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Thursday, February 28, 2013

BACK TO YOU - Paulina & Tasha

New music to me,
Pleasantly surprised Paulina sent this Great video
with a universal message,
Go on, Go back to being You...
Really enjoyed watching this, the music, the message.

For the last day of February, inching towards spring.
Cabin fever alert: a mix of actual flu/fever/illnesses spread throughout the population, and
just going stir crazy from winter's confinement indoors.

Yesterday's storm a stark contrasts depending on where you are in Vermont.
We got a lot of rain in the valley on frozen dirt roads.
Makes for this soupy, slippery, mucky, muddy-the sucking mud kind of roads.
Fresh powder on the mountains...

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

LOVE FOR LEVON | March 2013 | PBS

Great Tribute link.
Go to Levon's website to order the concerts and support Levon's wish...
To Keep it Goin...


Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Uncle Jay

Uncle Jay

Would be 98 today.
I think about him every passing year.
He had a weathered strong but gentle kind face.
A soft voice saying "Goochy coo" as tickled a babies foot,
and, "my little papooshka.."

any baby, he loved us all.
The familiar routine as I grew up,
Jay would walk in the front door,
Then stroll to the kitchen,
making contact with each of us kids,
He always made us laugh.
Once in the kitchen he sipped coffee with Mom, his baby sister, Dad
and whoever else participated in after dinner discussions.
Politics, current events, whatever.
If the phone rang, there was barely enough cord to talk behind the basement door.
or else you were the subject of the discussions.

He came to my nursing school graduation with my parents.
He was always quiet, a little mysterious, self educated man.
He worked the locks on the Mississippi River.
Married to a cool assertive (before it was cool) successful business woman.
They got us bikes. I used to ride out to their house to cool off in  air conditioning.
Plus they were good for a soda and they listened to my story.
I remember,

What a guy.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Plans for Vt. Gas pipeline fuel controversy - WCAX.COM Local Vermont News, Weather and Sports-

Plans for Vt. Gas pipeline fuel controversy - WCAX.COM Local Vermont News, Weather and Sports-

Docket Number / Project Name: Docket 7970 - VGS Addison County Natural Gas Project Your
My Comments:
Monday, February 18, 2013
I am writing to express my opposition to a gas pipeline being proposed to pass through Monkton, Vermont.
As a citizen of Monkton, I suffer high energy costs as well as taxes by the town which reflect energy costs at the school and municipal buildings.
So why on Earth would I want to see our precious beautiful idyllic town become transmission fields for gas to go downstream, to Middlebury and the paper mill in NY.
Why? We have a beautiful town. We all pay a fortune to live here.
Even if we could get gas to our school, municipal buildings, and residences, We do not want to be transmission fields for a city and a mill across the lake.
I believe going down the other side of the lake make more sense. Then come across that way.
This is a bad idea.
I am opposed to the pipeline through Monkton, Vermont

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Psalm Challenge 92

Psalm Challenge 92

Studying the weekly Psalm is a form of praise in itself,
Which this Sabbath prayer song offers,
A way to sing,
Pilgrim, stay on the Good side,
Go ahead, Praise God, Offer Thanks and Praise,
See your gifts and if you do not,
There will be gifts at the end, at the Long Eternal End.
Lesson: Do not be wicked, or a boor, brute, or a fool.
Bad Guys finish last
they do,
The Brutes and Wicked,
may live in a palace now
or torment and terrorize,
They will get their just rewards,
The fools
simply do not understand.
Pick up you harp and sing,
and click back one posting and listen to "Let it Be"
An appropriate song for this Psalm.
More offerings on the host site:

Link to ...Alexis P. Suter Band - Let It Be 2-21-13 Iridium Jazz Club, NYC

Live from the heart of NYC
Link to the amazing Alexis & her group of wonderful people...
Happy Saturday night.


Forming gradually
Hanging ever so briefly
Catching sun rays
Soon after
It all crashed onto the ground.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Moon, Snow, and Music

Locust & Moon

snow & sun
Been posting a lot of links to Joe's work,
His music has a perfect resonance, balance.
I have been on his Street team,
Now an Ambassador to Joe's Music Nebula,
Well worth traveling to...
Click for a free song download from one of my favorite musicians, Joe Bonamassa's latest album "An Acoustic Evening at the Vienna Opera House"
Joe Bonamassa has almost single-handedly redefined the blues-rock genre and brought it into the mainstream. He continues this role with his first-ever entirely acoustic concert, recorded at the venerable Vienna Opera House and backed by world-renowned musicians playing an eclectic mix of instruments! His voice is strong, broad and with feeling that takes you through what he's going through. You are going there too, That is the Blues...

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Interview with a Clone Chapter 22

Interview with a Clone

Chapter 22

By Mary E. Gerdt

All Rights Reserved



Chapter 22

Last Call

Part 2


Gigi let Alice lead the farewell interview. Alice’s voice was a tranquilizer to the eager, weary travelers. Every Martian settler was packed, ready to go, disengaged, mentally separated feeling I never want to spend another moment of my life wasted on this barren red planet….Well maybe a few felt that way. Maybe a few more than a few. Ok, everyone but Gigi.

As it neared Mars, the rescue ship radio started crackling, breaking through (yes they still use radios in 2064). I know you may feel like everything evolves forever. Gigi knew some things were best left alone, at their maximum function for the effort. Like radios. Easy, cheap, dependable.

Gigi’s mind wandered as Alice prattled on about nothing. The settlers wanted this life Alice talked about, this Earth life, not being special planetary guinea pigs. Many of the settlers had been escaping a life of poverty on Earth. Now, with the technology and minerals they were bringing back, they could settle again, only in a style of luxury.

Only Gigi felt longing for Mars as they concluded the interview and the rescue ship came into view moments later. “Bon Voyage,” was all Gigi could remember Alice saying from Earth before she signed off, a bouncing happiness in her clone voice. A strange feeling Gigi had, she could not explain.

The rescue ship staff were medical personnel and psychology trained, rescue trained. Yes they still need psychologists in 2064. People still have emotional trauma.

They carefully placed the settlers in quarantine pods after doing body scans, basic vital signs, photo, reassuring interviews and triage. The food was exceptional to the settlers. They had been eating synthetics since landing here. They sunk into the soft pod beds, took a tranquilizer and some food. Most fell asleep in minutes and dreamed of their favorite Earth memory. Most would never dream about Mars again. Except Gigi. And Alice.

Addendum to
chapter 22
non fiction....perhaps stranger than fiction...
I accidentally pasted this letter below by why not leave it???
It is a bit of sci fi after all to think we should allow a gas pipeline through our town???
Not 2 our town ??
For Middlebury's benefit and the paper mill across the lake??
Dang. I sent this letter around...

Monday, February 18, 2013

I am writing to express my opposition to a gas pipeline being proposed to pass through Monkton, Vermont.

As a citizen of Monkton, I suffer high energy costs as well as taxes by the town which reflect energy costs at the school and municipal buildings.

So why on Earth would I want to see our precious beautiful idyllic town become transmission fields for gas to go downstream, to Middlebury and the paper mill in NY.

Why? We have a beautiful town. We all pay a fortune to live here.

Even if we could get gas to our school, municipal buildings, and residences,

We do not want to be transmission fields for a city and a mill across the lake.

I believe going down the other side of the lake make more sense. Then come across that way.

This is a bad idea.

I am opposed to the pipeline through Monkton, Vermont.

Mary Gerdt, Monkton, Vermont.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Travelogue for the Universe: Psalm Challenge 91

Travelogue for the Universe: Psalm Challenge 91: Psalm Challenge 91 Today's Challenge is a Challenge and We should welcome Challenges, No? It is the Reward for going without a Rew...

Blogging Forward...Link 2 Paying Ready Attention - Photo Gallery: Our World Tuesday - Rock Towers

Blogging Forward...10 degrees F here...
In another reality perhaps, our town in Vermont might have been named proper English:
would it have made a difference??
it is my day of rest and surfing blogs I have neglected lately...
Stewart posted this surreal gem.
Hope it cools off "down" there and warms up a bit "up" here...m

Paying Ready Attention - Photo Gallery: Our World Tuesday - Rock Towers: I have to say it's hot here in Melbourne!  As a result I will post a quick picture and retire to cooler locations than my study! When we w...

President's Day 2013

President's Day '13

In the US, it is the Monday in February that is in honor of our Presidents.
Washington & Lincoln had their birthdays in February. So along the way
some congress passed the law rolling it all into one Monday.
Yesterday we had bitter cold. Max 10°f. 
Hope for warming soon.
About Presidents,
It takes an extraordinary person to be president.
They need a lot of peeps.
There is always a flaw, a challenge, a failure, a success.
They are handsome &/or charismatic.
They know more than they can tell you.
So far
none have been women.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Addison County

The Sun
dominates the view
& yet,
not seen,
We all know,
just a moment before,
the Sun
was higher in the sky.

There is a cognitive process that
goes on,
to tell ourselves what to anticipate,
what to expect,
some by past understanding,
past  learning,

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day

An odd day to some,
Perfect for romanticism
For showing your special mate
How much you love them
Or how much you spend.
Then the alone ones,
Sometimes regretting,
Dinner and Dessert.
Hearts, Red motif and candy hearts.
The little Valentine's cards we exchanged in grade school.
We never cared about PC back then.
That is what I keep thinking about.
Happy Valentine's day...

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Sweet Memories


In the next month

The sap will be flowing, yielding,
The sweet taste of maple syrup.
A heavenly gift.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013



The spellchecker starts getting to know my thought processes,
maybe better than I do, predicting sooner the most likely next word.
That's the kind of thing that can scare you,
if you let it.
Sure, asteroids can pulverize, vaporize, destroy anything they strike.
We are just lucky,
Not to make you paranoid,
Asteroidophobia is now on my radar.
Since we really have No control on when we might be hit,
Maybe we should really be less aware of the presence of asteroids.
I do not think we really were meant to know some details at all. 

Monday, February 11, 2013



pushed away the storm
leaving icy crystals
leading some to the ice
to fish or recreate.
be careful
weird year weatherwise
Pic from the past

Sunday, February 10, 2013


We escaped the deep snow they had farther south of here.
In fact, there was such a cold wind pushing from the north all day.
What snow there was, blew away, drifting like sands.
We look forward to a little warmer weather soon.

A picture of GirlyGirl
She has a sad look
but is pretty happy now.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Laughter, Laughter is Validated



Laughter is Validated
Physiological Benefits
No negative side-effects,
The chemical effects of inside yourself
self enhancing mood,
in my cats purring=laughter,
they all smile sometimes ;-)
Missing from the study?
Can you laugh alone and get the same result?
Does it takes 2 or more humans?
Is more better?
What if you make a recording and someone watches it and laughs
and you are not there,
do you both benefit?
Does the funny one get more
or less cardiac effect?
I am not trying to be funny!?
i am just an old cardiac nurse,
and really fascinated by this article
follow links below....

Storm Reruns II

Friday, February 8, 2013

Storm Reruns

Covered Bridge, Addison County, Vermont

With storms come reruns of photos.
As the snow piles up,
We patiently wait for the end of the storm,
So we can shovel out.

Snowy Memories

Snowy Memories

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Nor' Easter Coming

Nor' Easter Coming

Coming for sure,
Will be a big one,
2 feet in some places,
then temp dropping
like a stone.

Two big storms march Eastward
as they do,
Chasing one another
tussling, rolling, spinning backwards,
counterclockwise by the map,
meeting the Atlantic atmosphere,
Winds compete,
snow is formed,
dumping great piles of the pure white
spring beautiful nuisance.

A photo in advance
from the archives for those who
appreciate the frozen flakes of ice
called snow
or schnee.


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Sean Tuesday

Sean wants Equal Time

He is, after all, my power animal.
Sitting here in the window,
his image reminded me of
a ceramic statue Mom had
of a sleek black cat.
It always sat up high
on the kitchen cabinet.
was it another deja vu moment?

Monday, February 4, 2013


 Self Portrait
I looked  into Tommy's eyes
He looked at the screen
The camera focused
Tommy stared
Did he know he was posing
for his own photograph?
he seemed to understand, to pose, to connect
with the technology
was he evolving?
what next?

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Psalm Challenge 91

Psalm Challenge 91

Today's Challenge is a Challenge
We should welcome Challenges,

It is the Reward
for going without
a Reward
at least

It is the health that comes
after sickness.

It is the glimpses I got of
Gigi, our feral cat who died.,
after she died.

It is the whisper you hear,
a familiar voice,
just out of range,
and you strain to hear,
it is gone again.

It is the angel that saves you,
when you did not know you needed

It is the view like this one,
High  over the mountains

or this one...


Reminding us of the gifts
We never asked for
and sometimes
never see.




Psalm 91

King James Version (KJV)

91 He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
2 I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.

to further illustrate how "things" do not always work out, just as i tried to post with the host website link, the link to daily athens photos is down at the moment. as soon as i can i will add the link to the host meme with entries in the worldwide psalm challenge.

2.18.13.Adding the link to the host of Psalm Challenge



Levon Helm Band Live at Harvest Jazz & Blues - The Weight

Saturday is a good day for some good music
This brought tears to my eyes
Gone so long

buy his stuff or tickets to woodstock,ny ramble tickets

Woodchuck Day 2013

Woodchuck Day


 Vermonters head into
6 more weeks of
no matter
what the woodchuck does.
It heralds a point,
after the middle of
but it seems like
more than
half a winter to go.
(the real woodchucks burrowed up in a hole somewhere)
This winter up and down
temperature wise,
overall milder than some,
I do recall the blizzard of
Woodchuck day past.
Part of me was sad
when the old woodchuck
 up back
must have succumbed to
 nature's forces.
He looked like a big old dog
and he confined himself
to that little spot up back
preferring a patch of clover
to garden vegetables.
I thought he would stray down to our garden
but he stayed right up there.
I would look out the window and he never saw me,
They are nearly blind you know.
Some Vermonters choose
to celebrate
instead of
Ground Hogs,
and after knowing our
woodchuck from a distance,
over successive summers,
I now understand.

Friday, February 1, 2013