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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Helping Humans

Kate Larose started following me on Twitter and I could not resist checking out her MBA project.
Click on the link above and learn all about
Burkina Faso,
a country in dire need. Polio has left its hideous mark.
As a nurse it is painful to hear of polio stricken people. A preventable disease.
You can donate to the organizations Kate has identified and help the country help itself and establish planning for ongoing self sufficiency.
Go Kate!

Support her project. What a great use of an education!


  1. Mary, thanks so much for you kind words about my project, as well as your thoughts and compassion for the people of Burkina Faso. Burkina left its mark on me when I lived there for two years as a Peace Corps volunteer; I was continually impressed by the Burkinabe's generous spirit...even though people in the village lacked basic necessities (such as a latrine, or reliable access to clean water) they shared everything they had with me to make this stranger from a foreign land feel welcome. They truly have an amazing and kind culture!

  2. Thanks for all you do for the people of Burkina Faso.Mary Gerdt


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