This picture a little deceptive since taken from above Captain's head while he is sit-standing. You know how cats hind legs have the feet and ankle and backwards knee. Captain learned to sit on his haunches and wave his paws attempting high five when he is in the mood. Otherwise he has taken to mournful howling until we either pet him or feed him. He likes to sing along to Outlaw Country on Satellite radio.
He is the Captain quite simply because he is in charge.
His full name Captain Blakely Quebec. I thought he might be a reincarnated French ship's captain and the other cats are the crew.
How did the Captain manage to lay about all day in sunny windows while we slave to keep the lights on in dimly lit offices with bad air? Cats just kind of sit back and watch, a least effort equals gains kind of thing.
Stay still where you are for a minute and take stock.
Captain's going for a nap.
Monkton, Vermont. Spring has been colder than Hades
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