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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Postcards from the edge

We read Meandering in South America and was thrilled at the graphic imagery Mariah detailed as she saw literally the pit of Hell. The sulfur smell was a nice touch as well as the play by play. I felt like I was there! Thanks Mariah!
Then I found this blog that is special fun:
A wonderfully sharing woman who has images of the old postcards of yesteryear.
They are fun to just peruse and appreciate the playful artwork.
Do you remember buying postcards wherever you went and sent them home for a message, a cancelled stamp with the town and the town's symbols?
And bought a few for local pictures? We have sent some postcards, but certainly not like I did when younger. I still like to have a few from an area we visit to remember a special time. The early 1900 postcards were often like a substitute for phone, email or blackberries. Slow, very slow. Still effective in sending a message with just a few words and the energy expended by picking out the right card and the right words while you are dashing around new surroundings. Blogs are the postcards of yesteryear. The pictures, energy and messages here, I hope, will extend far into the future like the 100 year old postcards.

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