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Thursday, October 26, 2023

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Non Life Threatening injury

 It kept irritating Me.

Nightly News

Every Night one or more shootings in Richmond, Virginia.

Not every Shooting Victim Dies.

Often Reported as

Shooting Victim Sent to ER


Non Life Threatening Injury.

That’s where I start yelling at the tv 📺 

Shooting Victims,

All Victims of Crimes 

Will never be the same again.

Violence Threatens Their Lives


Their Loved Ones Lives.

Thursday, October 19, 2023



 It was a Nightmare in my real life 
The Town tried to sell our old run down Farm
For pennies .
I saw Myself as that little Girl again,
Deja Vu of another time 
History repeating itself,
I thought I was all over that

Friday, October 13, 2023

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Music Link Long ago and Far Away

 Music Link from YouTube.

Our Favorite Memories were in Levon’s Barn,

Watching Fine Artists,

Living in the Moment.

Friday, October 6, 2023

Friday Night Musik

 A Favorite YouTube Link

The Beautiful, Talented, Wonderful Musician, Singer

Inspirational ❤️🙏🏿

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Travelogue for the Universe: Touching MS: Poetic Expressions

Travelogue for the Universe: Touching MS: Poetic Expressions: A  book by Jennifer Evans.... An anthology of poetry relating to Multiple Sclerosis, The MonSter. The sunny side is she picked one of mine..

Rerun of a Book of Poetry about Multiple Sclerosis.
My Poem


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Poetry: 340 and Music

Three Four Oh


The code 

Some one 


Should describe what 

I have and others have 

And try to describe 

By words 

And symptoms 

As varied 

As the colors on a rainbow. 


The international number 

That doctors use 

And insurance companies 

Cringe at when they see 

The number 

That means expensive 

Meds, treatments and tests 

And a person who may not work 

Long enough to pay it all back 


I looked for wisdom in that number 

And some sign 

That the number meant something to me 

Or those others with what I have 

That quirky strange set of symptoms no one can see but me right now 

Some day perhaps I could be identified 

By wheels or a cane or a staggering gait. 

For now I can keep others from knowing 

What I have 




notes: "340" is the International Coding Term for Multiple Sclerosis.
It is used for Doctors, Hospitals, billing, etc.
in numerolgy it is reduced to "7" which is a very unique number. Am I over googling??? 
Oh, who cares....mary

Sunday, October 1, 2023