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Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Crazy 2022


Monday, December 26, 2022

The Inquisition


It is an endless Battle,                  

Democrat Politicians rule Presidency, Senate & 

House of Representatives 

Trying to “get Trump”

Mainstream Media plays their part,


Confidential Inside Sources

Secretly, Sneakily snapping photos.

Christmas is behind us now.

Elon’s Twitter turned on a light 💡 

I See.


Sunday, December 25, 2022

Merry Christmas! 🎄🎁

 Memories…I wrote this 9 years ago… 🐄 

A Christmas Tail

Monkton Chronicles

By Mary E Gerdt 2013
My first Christmas away from Illinois was in frozen Monkton, Vermont.
I moved here after urging by my roommate who subsequently left the material plane, leaving me no option but to carry forth our dream.
My new home was an apartment above a garage next door to a large dairy barn.
I was eager to see all the sights there, on an Addison County dairy farm as they were in 1981.
My new roommate milked cows and she left for Christmas holiday.
My inner city girl pined a little as I looked out at the drifting snow and watched the farmhands haul hay to the barn and haul the manure away.
The milk truck came.
Then nothing. No sound. Quiet...
I had never heard that before.
I went down to talk to the farmhand. His weathered face, his Vermont dialect, some words I missed,
I had to utilize what I call word averaging. Nod, Nod to get him to talk. But beware you don't want to nod indiscriminantly and accidentally agree to something self incriminating.
My questions were all about cows, what do they eat, do they kick? Are they smart?
The farmhand enjoyed being the expert and sharing his understanding of the world.
Around Christmas, the subject came up somehow.
"They kneel down," he said.
"What?" I sensed a profound moment coming...
"The cows, they kneel down at midnight on Christmas."
"What?" I said, longer, with my eyes closed, as if that could focus my inner vision.
Thus ensued a back and forth verbal dance with him playing me and me playing along.
I did not believe him...yet I did not want to refute this man, salt of the earth.
So I carried on, trying to stay warm, writing letters, trying to stay busy.
On Christmas eve, all alone,
the darkness came so early up this far north.
I had to,
I had to sneak down to the barn,
at midnight.
Why do barns look so different at night?
The creaky door handles are oiled last.
I hoped no dog would start barking.
My weak flashlight did not help much. 
all the time me wondering why I was doing this.
I had to go downstairs to the main barn.
all the while my anxiety building,
it was so dark.
The cows patiently nodding in their stanchions,
were they kneeling?
Well truth be told that is when I lost my nerve,
my path of least resistance was straight back out of the barn
and straight into my warm humble bed,
having faith those cows were all kneeling down 
like Walt had said,
in the barn
on Christmas
at midnight 🙏🏼🎄🎁

Notes: this Week I stumbled onto this story about Walt.
As I described the Story to Friends Whose Farm I lived at,
Maggie told Me Walt died about a week ago.
Rest in Peace, Walter ❤️

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Travelogue for the Universe: 59 Years ago… Rerun ❤️🎄🎁

Travelogue for the Universe: 50 Years ago today: I was 5 years old. Mom and Dad must have been at work. My kindergarten was 3 houses down from our house. Somehow I ended up with Mrs. K... 
First posted 9 years ago 
JFK assassinated 59 years ago…😢 

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Late Again… My Daily Blog…

 Late Again

5:30 EST came and went

Dark Days

Twitter Good & Bad

Omnibus Bill

Absurd spending of Taxpayer’s Money

By so called Representatives 

Many Refer to Me as Deplorable Ultra MAGA 

My Money still leaking out for losing parties

Goodbye kiss of Death.

That’s it.

My Daily Thoughts before I take a deep dive into 

Twitter Files 8.0

Happy Solstice 🌞

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Contrails & Chemtrails & Late Night Radio Favorite Art Bell 🛸😎


 Crystal Gayle YouTube link…Beautiful 🎶 

Monday, December 19, 2022

Modern Fighting, 2 Fronts


Meanwhile, in NYC, Guardian Angels are Great! 


Friday, December 16, 2022

Friday Night Musik

 A friend suggested I have a Listen to This YouTube Link…

Absolutely Beautiful Cover by Dolly Parton ❤️💃🎤🎸

Thursday, December 15, 2022



We first heard Stagger Lee many years ago.

I enjoyed sketching this one.

YouTube link to Original Stagger Lee by Lloyd Price

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Freedom of Speech


Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Monday, December 12, 2022



Sunday, December 11, 2022

Saturday, December 10, 2022


 Cat Memories 

We’ve had a few cats over the years.

Most were dropped off by stupid people who don’t care.

Whitney was a kitten and We adopted Her out to a Friend & Coworker at the Hospital, Lisa.

Lisa eventually got too sick to take care of Whitney Who Lisa renamed Meridian. We picked her up at a meeting place. Lisa died of heart disease at a young age not that long after. She was a Great Person & Great Social Worker…

Friday, December 9, 2022

Thursday, December 8, 2022

SRV Link 🙏🏼❤️🎸

 Gone too soon 😢

Stevie Ray Vaughn packed a lot of notes 🎶 into His brief lifetime.

Double Trouble His Group of Talented Musicians & Messengers.

This video YouTube link from SRV’s Channel spoke to Me in the wee hours.

Crank it up 🆙 

2 videos-First one copyrighted by Sony 
Second one live recording from Austin City Limits 
Watch one or both.
If they disappear 🫠 
Find Stevie’s YouTube channel.
For the Love of SRV ❤️

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Twitter Chatter, Does it Matter?


Monday, December 5, 2022

Sunday, December 4, 2022

Welcome World! 🌍 🌎 🌏

 Thanks to Tweepsmap program I’m able to maintain my Twitter list and

Check my stats regularly.

Friday, December 2, 2022

Friday Night Musik


Links from YouTube…

Beautiful Blues History Lesson 💙❤️🙏🏼🎸

Love Stevie Ray Vaughn & all of the Wonderful Blues Musicians 😎

This link is truly amazing…
From American Blues Scene YouTube channel.
BB King
Albert King
Stevie Ray Vaughn 
Paul Butterfield