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Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Myofascial Release, Described on Facebook by a patient

 This is a deep one.... 

How does MFR help with any misinterpreted frequency causing illness, pain, fear, and solidification within the body?

Think of the fascial system not only as tethers of light streaming and suspending our tissues... but the fluid that seeps in, throughout, and around every sub-atomic character of cellular programming to make up what we are as a species, energy orb, and the solidified shape that we choose to make.  

The ONLY reason we have shape.... the struggle against the force of gravity, dark matter, time, and the constructs of the universe in it's density pushing down on this force we call a person.  Now lets get into the smallest and expand through the largest.... 

Rebounding... using the body's fluid motion to release the substructure adhesions below the consciousness.  

Structural MFR... Utilizing the opposing forces of nature (to include one's self) to facilitate the subconscious mind in determining the physical boundaries in comparison to the energetic boundaries of the construct pressing down into our form. 

MFR Unwinding.... Facilitating the movement of energy expansion beginning with the subconscious to explore the actual depths of time and space while accepting the orientation of "True Space".

Application.... When you applied the techniques appropriately and with true purpose a facilitation of separation of ALL molecular structures take place.  First the skin feels the separation of the fluid within the body.  The consciousness of fluid feels the separation of ground matrix in turn allows the expansion of space time within the body.  Once a "letting go" affect takes place allowing the mind to sink further into source a further understanding of awarness takes place within the space of each dermis, fascicle of muscle fiber, sub-structured space of the cellular membrane, until ultimately the separation is felt within the helix of life itself. 

At this point of singularity and with what can only be described by myself as the "Pure", true restructuring of the mind, body, and spirit takes place.  Each sub-atomic particle detaches and the body, mind, essences, and self is re-organized in the layers of weight provided within the elements themselves.  Not Air, Fire, Water... etc... not those elements.  Rather, you can feel the re-organization of each element at it's source.  From the heaviest particle of Oganessan (particle weight 118), Platinum (particle weight 78), all the way to the separation of the lightest touch of Hydrogen (particle weight 1).  Now reverse this.... and feel every particle weighing down with a force of oblivion lasting for....well--There is no "time". 

How does this apply to healing?  The simplest answer.... when you can spread everything out and separate yourself and client down to this sub-atomic level you can see, touch, and facilitate anything... even if it seems to not even exist due to our own confusion while trying to understand who WE are as individual yet threaded entities in solidified physical form.

Use this gift that John and the staff have bestowed upon us with grace, compassion, and conviction.  


Corey J.G. Cosgrove, LPTA/NBCLMMT

Lifelong student, practitioner, patient & clinic owner.

MFR 1(x2), 2, FP, CT, FC, UW(x2), RB, (x2), AUW, QL, EQ(1,2,&skills) & many more to come.

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Covid-19 Victims

My heart goes out to Janice Dean and her family. My heart goes out to the thousands, like Janice’s Parents in law, who fell prey to the upstaging deadly move by NY Governor. He has No business directing Nursing Home Residents’ movements, Without Any Regard for Infection Control Nor The Alternative Javits Center and Mercy Ship. In fact, the only reason Cuomo would have made this deadly mistake was Cuomo was reacting to President Trump’s facilitating alternative placement options (Javits and Mercy- both grossly underused). Many if not Most of those dead because Governor ordered sick 😷 people into stable vulnerable populations. Many if not Most had no resources, no family, no friends. No one to Speak up when rules are broken.


Saturday, March 27, 2021

Just when you thought you had it figured out...


Thursday, March 25, 2021

Twitter #TBT Sport History 🦬


Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Brave New World

Though I am Here and You are There, If You Read this, have We Connected?

 We’re Connecting online,

The ones who wake up in the night

With a Dragon biting our ankles.

If You don’t know the MonSter Personally (as in Possessed by)

Then It’s good for Neurologists to evaluate the Psychological Status of their patients in general.

MS is Itself a Failure. Losing aspects of your young life.

People Look at You Differently.

Social media removes barriers to my virtual friendships and Church.

It’s a new world. Embrace every moment.

Monday, March 22, 2021

Sunday Service on Monday or Any Day 🙏🏼 🌻 Ordinary Office

 My Church 

Worldwide 🌍 🌎 🌏 🌻

Friday, March 19, 2021

Friday Night Musik


Beautiful video 

6 months old ❤️ 

Willie Nelson, Sheryl Crow, and other great musicians 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼🌻

Covid-19 a Sore Subject 6 months ago,

And just as real today 

We’re social beings, people 😢

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Day #2


Sunday, March 14, 2021

Viruses, The Big Picture


The missing bat 🦇 cave reports:


Saturday, March 13, 2021

Smurf #Caturday

 Going through old photos and found this one of Smurf as a kitten.

She was one of our many cats, early 1980’s 🐈‍⬛ 

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Wednesday, March 10, 2021


Farewell Jeff ❤️ 

A Tear and a Smile

I wanted to write more, about Jeff

Gone too soon, My Stepson, My Husband’s Son.
Last night all I had at my fingertips was this Barn photo 
From the 4th generation Farm where Fred grew up
And where Jeff’s roots always were.
This morning, before my barn photo went up,
Jeff’s Son in Law wrote this poem 
And captured Jeff’s Essence Perfectly. ❤️

From Brandy...
My father passed away this morning... He was only 49.

Brandy’s Husband Cameron wrote a perfect poem for him. 

Jeff Brandy's Dad

A smiling
Was brought low
This morning
By the weight
Of time spent
On his terms
An enduring saga
A life so full
Of stories
They will fill
Many more generations With bold echoes
To grow larger
Through the ages
A hero perhaps
In the wrong age
Yet one who built
With stone
And was always
Ready to help
Offering great deeds
Tools and treasures
Shocked at offers
Of repayment His adventures
Many more generations With bold echoes
To grow larger
Through the ages
A hero perhaps
In the wrong age
Yet one who built
With stone
And was always
Ready to help
Offering great deeds
Tools and treasures
Shocked at offers
Of repayment 
His adventures
Carried him
Through dark waters
Leaving scars
His light
If sometimes hidden
Never left
And is the lighthouse
At the heart
Of his saga
Standing firm
Upon masterfully laid stones 
Unmoved by storms
Genuine laughter
Ringing through
Heard above the wind


Monday, March 8, 2021

Saturday, March 6, 2021

No Wrong Note


Thursday, March 4, 2021

Dr. Seuss Cancelled


Wednesday, March 3, 2021

From My Notebook 📓

 Been Going through the piles of notebooks and sketchbooks from the past few years.

Posting some of my favorites I’d forgotten about.

The First one,

An elderly woman in a care home. She isn’t feeling too well today.

I drew this one way before Covid.

It’s a Lonely place, extended care facilities are full of people yet you can feel so all alone.

Next, Me, always searching 

I kept visualizing Multiple Sclerosis as robbing me of something...

Monday, March 1, 2021
