Think Cognition... Great Article by Dr. G
My comments:
I Knew it.
I Knew it and didn’t Want to know it.
You just opened a floodgate of emotions,
A Helen Keller moment.
Did it take an accident for you to revisit your unpopular observations?
I worked many years doing cognitive assessments.
The bad case scenarios are easy.
The Subtle changes are So hard to see sometimes.
Loved ones afraid, unaware or frustrated.
Insurance companies and government programs rely on checking the right boxes.
With Cognitive impairment sometimes there are no easy boxes.
Our neural messages Slow and sometimes never arrive.
The Original pathway is Damaged so your smart brain routes signals around it.
Usually unbeknownst to you.
I wrote an story called Wheelchair Repellent. Early on in my diagnosis I had to justify to Myself, old Neuro nurse, that I Needed DMT’s. I had Seen untreated Multiple Sclerosis when I worked Before DMT’s.
It was mostly about Cognitive changes I Feared the most.
I take my treatment, without fail.
Now about brain damage and evaluation, of course I worry about your accident and whether you had a little bump or sloshing of your 🧠. Focal changes can really hide when doing any Neuro cognitive assessment.
It’s hard to ask significant others of patients if they notice any changes. I do think it’s worth it to be open with the patient about your concerns, your need to evaluate and monitor, including significant other, caregiver in being honest. Also look at DMT regimen and teach patients how it helps. Great thoughts .
Wheelchair Repellent
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