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Tuesday, November 3, 2020

A New Day, An Old Song 🗳


A New Day an Old Song

Tomorrow the work begins Again

The Politicians have offered their pitches and promises,
Tomorrow the work begins.

But, instead there will be a party,
a celebration or consolation.

At the end, pumped up supporters will fall exhausted,
down to the ground.

Win or lose,
The Politicians, sleepless euphorics, still buzz with the vibration
of all their monetary adoration,
a compensation, a self affirming confirmation.

They kissed the babies and bad breathed housewives,
They courted supporters, promised away their lives,
Cut the tax, Raised awareness,
Fights for apple pie, Mom and fairness.

At the end of that long election day,
The politician breaks down, on his knees to pray,
Prays his promises will not be broken,
That his constituents mind be aptly spoken.

So do not forget your promise, politician though you are,
Tomorrow begins the work,
the end
so far,
so far.

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