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Sunday, August 30, 2020

Fighting #Gadolinium

From Turkey... Different Country, Same Fight

Saturday, August 29, 2020


From across the pond...

My comment: Excellent explanation of immunity and Covid-19 thoughts. All you hear about is wearing masks, Social distance, huddle inside. All I see is People not wearing masks, Grandparents caring for Grandchild so the parents can work. It’s like a virus 🦠 in a blender. Mixing, mixing. Pharma wants a vaccine so badly. Yes, the “T” word is a derogatory slang word in USA. Almost can’t post this because of that but the rest is so informative!


Friday, August 28, 2020

Friday Night Musik

Once again, Fred finds a Stellar Musik Choice for my weekly pick. This week, my new obsession, this Wonderful Band named Tuba Skinny. Out of New Orleans with a Classic Ragtime feeling. I closed my eyes and thought I was listening to an old 78 rpm record . Please send them a donation and buy their music 🎶 Laura was a unkind visitor to Louisiana and the devastation is extensive. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

Please tip the Band! 

Thursday, August 27, 2020

#TBT Evolution

Rediscovering past sketches...

Evolution Devolution
Permanence Impermanent
Learning Lessons takes a Lifetime
Fairness is An Honorable Goal
We are talking Humans?
😎 #micropoetry

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Gardens are Never Controversial, unless you walk right by that rose 🌹

Monday, August 24, 2020

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Rerun: Travelogue for the Universe: After Awhile

Travelogue for the Universe: After Awhile: Replay... first draft by Mary E. Gerdt After Awhile After Awhile, Things will be better, Time will have passed, Regrets will have faded, ...

Saturday, August 22, 2020


Meela has been busy on the porch. This week she seemed uncharacteristically afraid. Turkey Vultures flying over, resting on a snag, casting large shadows.

8.22.20 Addendum: on second glance and consulting Cornell’s guide, I believe these are Black Vultures, not Turkey Vultures.meg

Friday, August 21, 2020

Friday Night Musik

A very special Musik link...Movie Short from YouTube 

missing Levon Helm & Little Sammy Davis 

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Music Link du jour 🎶

Fred found the link to this little gem, Really a reflection of our present day challenges from a favorite artist gone but never forgotten Mr. Leonard Cohen 🎶

Friday, August 14, 2020

Friday Night Musik

A favorite 🙏🏼😎

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Gadolinium Worldwide

Wednesday, August 12, 2020


A great thought provoking blog post and my comments below ...

Grateful for my worldwide support group of friends ❤️🙏🏼 

Follow this blog ⬆️ Always interesting 🧐 

My comments:
So very interesting. Needs much more exploration to properly identify the Reasons for this phenomenon they observed. They leaped right into cardiovascular effects, cancer effects, early detection of disease progression, decreased disability. I think it’s much more complicated. Personally, I Don’t want to burden people closest to me, including some Doctors I have had. I distanced from them. I see their sadness, sympathy, sorrow at every loss. Reflecting my oh so gradual decline. Fear all around. Every day waking up and wondering what is broken today. Distant friends, mine are worldwide. It’s not just information we share, it is the misery, pain, frustration with an incurable Disease you really can’t describe properly to your closest loved ones. Early in my diagnosis I began corresponding with a woman in Holland. She was severed disabled and we had a group of bloggers. She was always encouraging and we never talked cardiovascular meds or cancer screening. She told us her day from what her husband made for supper and her personal care details we wanted to know. Even as a nurse of many years, it was all forgotten when I needed help. Even Close friends often don’t discuss Incontinence or not enough money to pay for meds and housing. But I can talk to a friend on the web about it and feel free to be honest.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Who Knew? #Gadolinium

Just as I am about to post some cat photo or a poem or factoid, 

Another Grim Article pops up 😳 

Yes, Demon #Gadolinium is deposited In victim’s brains. 

And somebody knew this. 

Yes, I am not happy about this. 

Monday, August 10, 2020

Gadolinium Threads 🧵 of Understanding

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Farm Fresh

Farmer’s Market in Greene County 

We had a nice drive over to the Market.
Very well set up. Masks mandatory as well as washing station,
We were asked to wash hands before entering.
We bought some pork sausage and coffee 
Oh, and 2 paninis to go.

Friday, August 7, 2020

Friday Night Musik

This week a great YouTube link Song by Ray LaMontagne. We were so fortunate to see him in Burlington Vermont. Stellar. Yesterday were grocery shopping 🛒 in masks 🎭 and he was singing 🎤 this familiar tune of his. I started Singing too, mask obscuring my identity 😷 

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Jigsaw 🧩 Puzzle

Totally Fun Jigsaw puzzles for iPad...

Really enjoying making my own puzzles and stepping up the challenge by increasing piece numbers. This one in progress.
Mom’s painting of Downtown Edwardsville Illinois where I grew up.
I never knew there were so many varied colors in this painting.

Thinking of Mom today. I miss her. It never goes away.

Monday, August 3, 2020

Special Music Link 🎶

Stumbled onto this gem yesterday.. ❤️ Willie and Leon

***** This morning the link was disabled due to copyright... oops 😬 Sorry 😐 

I found it by searching for Levon Helm and Leon Russell 1974.

Time just slips away... how true 😢