A rambling train of thoughts about the universe and our micro solar system consisting of our dear Sun and other planets in a magnetic dance while we hurtle through space on the face of a rock and stare at flat screens where we attempt to connect while we detach.
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Sunday, May 31, 2020
Saturday, May 30, 2020
World MS Day
I follow a Doctor blogger who reminded me it’s World Multiple Sclerosis Day.
He wrote a thorough posting about how to manage from all perspectives.
I commented too, We’re all in this Together 😎🤝
My comments
He wrote a thorough posting about how to manage from all perspectives.
I commented too, We’re all in this Together 😎🤝
My comments
Mini unplugged concert on Twitter
Really great! Unplugged Mini concert 🎶👍🏼https://t.co/ghHbwB97s8
— Mary Gerdt (@marygerdt) May 30, 2020
Friday, May 29, 2020
Friday Night Musik
Absolutely Beautiful YouTube link...
From Dolly Parton
When Life is Good Again ❤️
Thursday, May 28, 2020
Growing up
A TV commercial talks about becoming your parents.
Finding sayings coming out of your mouth, like “get off my grass”
It’s not easy.
No you can’t, won’t, shouldn’t, must not.— Mary Gerdt (@marygerdt) May 28, 2020
Weren’t we the square pegs, the rebels marching?
Hearing our parents yell can’t,won’t,shouldn’t,Don’t!
We did anyway.
Now older, wiser, experienced adults.
Disagreeing sometimes, Disagreeable others,
Searching for Common Ground. Tweet on! https://t.co/Kdld50jtqu pic.twitter.com/2xZ1aWRcia
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Monday, May 25, 2020
Memorial Day part 2
Fred discovered this video on YouTube via FB
Best Ever Rock and Roll Version of Star Spangled Banner 🇺🇸
Madison Rising
Madison Rising - The Star Spangled Banner https://t.co/554oX9vsF9 via @YouTube Turn up the Volume. Best Ever 🙏🏼😎👍🏼🇺🇸❤️ #MemorialDay2020 pic.twitter.com/2bTMKuvWUi— Mary Gerdt (@marygerdt) May 25, 2020
Rerun... Travelogue for the Universe: Memorial Day
Travelogue for the Universe: Memorial Day: Memorial Day was Monday. I did think about the veterans in my life and really all the veterans of wars. My Dad, Rudy, and many more.... H...
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Root Beer Stand on Route 66
A fun article I found through a hometown FB page. My job through high school and college. My employment there Ended when I graduated from Nursing school 😎
Edwardsville's A&W Drive In - Edwardsville's Route 66 History #7 https://t.co/s07s7GoVoI my job Circa 1975-1980 😎— Mary Gerdt (@marygerdt) May 22, 2020
Friday, May 22, 2020
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Monday, May 18, 2020
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Friday, May 15, 2020
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Photos Not Taken
I sat there silently, photos wouldn’t load, blogger not cooperating, I couldn’t even respond, not mad, nor sad, nothing. I am past all that. Consider this as a photos not taken post. Nothing really. Empty words. Time you’ll never get back. Images you’ll never remember.
Thanks for visiting 😷
Monday, May 11, 2020
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Saturday, May 9, 2020
#Gadolinium 201
Watch FDA's Guest Speaker @Wagner_Nephro discuss the differential effects of GBCAs in 🐀during his presentation on Gd Pathophysiology ⬇️. 1st Link at 30:51. Also worth listening to clarifying Q&A at 2:06:30. #MRI #GBCA #PatientSafety #PublicHealth https://t.co/xzj6pGiAje pic.twitter.com/Fh0i0QVPSq— Gadolinium Toxic (@GadoliniumToxic) April 2, 2019
Friday, May 8, 2020
Friday Night Musik
This week a sweet tune Fred suggested.
The Opossum, George Jones, R.I.P.
link from YouTube
Thursday, May 7, 2020
Downtown Edwardsville, Illinois
My old neighborhood.
Stomping grounds.
View on my walk to High School.On the right used to be The Western Auto (source for marbles and model cars), The Donut Shop.
Left (out of view) Police Station, Fire Station and Municipal Building.
Also on Left The Funeral Home, Wildey Theater, the Butcher Shop, IGA.
I got over 100 comments on FB about this bit of nostalgia.
Photo from the early 1990’s.
All different now.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
I follow a Great Bird Photographer. He did a challenge.
Draw one of his birds, so I did.
@CarlBovisNature really enjoying your Bird photos 😎👍🏼 First try at your sparrow on a chain link fence. pic.twitter.com/loQ6xjwY8k— Mary Gerdt (@marygerdt) May 5, 2020
For music about Sparrows...
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Monday, May 4, 2020
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Sunday School
Congratulations! Your Worldwide Web of Faith So Valuable in these Frightening times. We all feel so alone. Isolated, many losing loved ones. Missing our lunches with friends. Join Dave @DisabilityJ You’re all welcome here. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼📲 #AloneTogether 😷 https://t.co/54kRHL7bj7 pic.twitter.com/OwzMlvSuv3— Mary Gerdt (@marygerdt) April 29, 2020
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Rerun: Travelogue for the Universe: The Color of Pain
Travelogue for the Universe: The Color of Pain: Today before I even read the Psalm of the day on Psalm Challenge http://tagein-tagaus-athen.blogspot.com/ I wanted to post some Sunday th...
Friday, May 1, 2020
Friday Night Musik
Ghost Town
Link from YouTube
Strange how different downtown, urban areas look without people and cars 🚗
Looks like a Ghost Town
I expect tumbleweeds to go rolling past 😢
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Several theme emerge: Decisions: on Treatment plan, Work, Activities of Daily Living, How to meet needs.
I want: a Doctor Team at an Academic Medical Center Who are Partnered with Me.
Including Social Worker, Psychiatry and Pharmacists, PT, OT who schedule me in.
I want a Database I can use to monitor issues, prioritize visits, yes, telemedicine.
I want them to keep track of Gadolinium injections and think hard about using “routinely “.
I’m happy with Glatopa and too old to switch? No exacerbations since diagnosed 2007. Information is a blessing and a curse. Thanks for this. Employment a whole other realm. Luckily I was a Nurse and have a pension and decent health benefits. My Social Security not as high if I had not retired Disabled at age 56. A Social Worker could help with Vocational issues like accommodations, refer to Vocational Rehab (in USA) and when to apply for disability benefits.