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Friday, January 31, 2020

Friday Night Musik

Fred suggested this little gem from Levon Helm 🥁 Et al. 

Midnight Special YouTube link below ❤️😎 tgiff 

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Gadolinium 101

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Music and Images

New music video by Katie Blount 

Really Great!

Monday, January 27, 2020

Conflict of Interest?

Friday, January 24, 2020

Thursday, January 23, 2020

#TBT Genesis

A YouTube favorite link...

I wore this track out on my Wind and Wuthering album. Meg

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Multiple Sclerosis? Yeah, there’s an app for that 🤦‍♀️

Thanks, Lisa Emrich, for this link...

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Coloring Book

A form of meditation 🧘‍♀️ 

Free Coloring Book 📖 app

and now Apple pen 🖊  helps.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Friday Night Musik

Thursday, January 16, 2020

J. D. Salinger Catcher in the Rye

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Dad, My other Dad

So long gone...❤️
Dad was a Dreamer, Inventor, Farmer, War Hero and Traveler.
Lover of sailing and the sea.
At home with his suitcase, he never failed to be ready for an adventure. 
Story teller, Philosopher, a Simple Complicated Man.
Husband, Father, Grandfather, and Great Grandfather.
He lived through the depression and Wars. Good times and bad.
For those fortunate to know him, you know the sparkle in his eye and his dry wit, his stories that would catch you at the end and make you coming back for more.
We loved him dearly and 
Pray he is at peace now and 
By the side of 
His Soul mate, his Friend, his Partner, his Confidant, and 
Mother to his children,
And telling her stories of his mortal times.
And remembering the places he had been, 
Things he had done, people he had met and family he raised
With a tear and a smile as he had remembered her always.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020



Monday, January 13, 2020

#Gadolinium Research Plain and Unbiased

Please do what you can to raise awareness about Gadolinium and contributing to research. Gadolinium is a Rare Earth mined mostly in China. It’s used as a radiological MRI image enhancer, Routinely. It also passes through the urinary tract of humans getting injected (after their bodies soak up a little, spun up by magnet 🧲 ↔️ 🧲 ). The. Wastewater created in the MRI patient dressing room bathroom drains to the treatment plant that neither measures Gadolinium nor gets rid of it. 

Therefore, Even if you don’t think it’s a problem, 

we do, 

the victims of 


Sunday, January 12, 2020

Virtual Church in Greenwich Mean Time

Breaking Breaks 

Virtual Church lives on past the 2020 computer crash

Visit them/us alone/together 

(What would Jesus do?)
Yup, buy a Mac 💻 

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Lighting the Way

The Light came through the pain 🔥 #Gadolinium

Journal Entry. Gadolinium Diaries. 1.8.20.
Just called another attorney. They’re all scum. They don’t want to go to court and lose. They wouldn’t. They don’t believe me and Doctors don’t believe me. I’m done with them and continuing shining the Light on this hideous metal. Taking 2 ultra Tums once a day. Now aiming for bedtime or nighttime. The hard glass like pieces get softer, more pliable and I can pluck out chunks. Best Wishes to You and Yours, the other victims. 🚫 Gad 

Friday, January 10, 2020

Friday Night Musik

As usual, my weekly music link comes to me as a gift 

from the Universe 


I am grateful


Special number today 01.10.2020

Thursday, January 9, 2020


Another stellar thought provoking article...

My comments: Aren’t signs of Premature aging a Symptom of Multiple Sclerosis? Is that what you’re saying? Is this a chicken or egg argument? Maybe Aging is the term that also stumped your “old” (tsk, tsk) colleague. As a nurse I worked with people in their 80’s, 90’s, or 100. Some Seemed as old as I expected. Stooped over, creaky, deteriorated, sick, weak. Some were spry and lively, moving without pain, active, memory sharp. Either category, dying or spry, might have completely lost their memory. I keep comparing myself to other 60 somethings. I can’t work anymore, can barely get around a store. Fatigue, weakness. MRI unchanged in 10 +years. Now B/p up, type 2 diabetes, more pain of arthritis. Always obesity which I know Doctors want me to change. Years of smoking. New insomnia. Pain that wears me out. So bad I get nauseated. My theory about the repeated gadolinium injections you might not believe. My Dad lived into his 90’s. He was pretty functional but mentally miserable with his body that wouldn’t die. He didn’t like the confinement of Being in an assisted living facility. Especially after Mom died. He always told Mom, Walk more, you’ll get better. Then he would tell me the same thing. Like my Mom, I couldn’t, I cannot walk more. I do the best I can. As a nurse I walked a lot. Weekends we cut and loaded our firewood, did chores. I was active and still obese. Flat feet so restrictive. Painful arthritis. Fatigue. My friends in their 80’s work their farm, travel, run, Very Active. We are all so unique. Lifestyle changes are so difficult to accomplish. This disease so painful. I will follow your thoughts and consider your advice. I have lost a few pounds, working with my PCP and getting B/P, glucose under control. I walk when I can, Reduced carb intake, especially empty processed sugars. At 61 I feel Old. Am I smoldering? When I have all these spots in my brain and cord, is it any wonder I can think at all? When a fire smolders, sometimes a part starts burning again. It looked almost dead. When you look at our MRI’s are they Really the Same Lesions? Or are they dying embers, sometimes burning under the ashes. You certainly are making me think. I hope your elder colleague doesn’t stay stuck. We should be open to all ideas about MS and comorbitities. Feeling my age this morning.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Random Image

Random Image from the Archives 

It seems oh so long ago,
Then sometimes like yesterday.

Our old Vermont home

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Mom’s Recipe

I made Mom’s Recipe for Rye Bread. It came out quite well. 

Thought of her all day.❤️

Mom’s Bohemian Rye bread recipe 

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Happy New Year 2020!