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Saturday, October 19, 2019


A Cold Fire Burning inside
A Smoky Stench, neither Burning nor being put out
Depressing Thoughts?
Oh yes.
Refreshing Viewpoint?
That too.
My clinic days they test me a say, are you taking meds?
You look pretty good.
I pulled myself together to get there.
I perform for the Doctor, Trying to do my Best
Or they won’t like me
Or they would feel a failure
Or they’ll give up on me.
My Adult side knows they care for me.
My Child side is scared of what a Doctor I worked with called “The Dwindles”.
You’re on the right track, Dr. G

1 comment:

  1. This must be so tough. It's a great, descriptive blog about the subject for those of us striving to understand.


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