The Great Divide ➗
Addendum: For some reason Blogger wouldn’t let me finish...
Too tired to fight
Energy Finite
One World 🌎
Two Sides 😲
Ebb and Flow
Like the Tides 🌊
I’m Right ➡️
That’s Right
What’s Left ⬅️
Must be Left
What’s Up ⬆️
To Me
Could be Down ⬇️
Like a Frown
If You hate the Wall
If You’re that half of All
Hate if You Must,
The Wall
You might Fuss
Some might Scream
To me it’s a Dream.
Angel Mom’s showed their Love
Their Children are now high Above
In Heaven were Sent
By Evil Criminals no Repent.
If the Wall just saved One
A Daughter or Son
American Family
Who were Born Free
Threatened by Lawmakers
Defending the Lawbreakers
Then to me it is Great
To Others it’s Hate
I didn’t set out
To write this,
Not Shout
My Support for the Wall
Will my readership Fall?
The Angel Moms Faces
Occupy the Spaces