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Saturday, October 31, 2015

Happy Hallowe'en

Happy Hallowe'en!

The Veil is thinnest today...


Friday, October 30, 2015

Thursday, October 29, 2015

A Fragile Place

a fragile place,
seems so serene,
never forgetting to change with the seasons,

a beautiful place,
was my appreciation learned,
or simply inherent in my dNA?

the fall colors from another year,
just as spectacular,
for a moment.

my sister likes the milkweed,
as did Mom,
who said Sacajewea used it for baby diaper lining.

Who doesn't like to pluck a milkweed pod 
and blow the sailing seeds,
as if they are designed to entice us 
to spread the seed far and wide.

This place is threatened,
oh, it looks so safe and stable,
as if it will always be this way,

So I picked the photo to show you
what a natural meadow looks like,
(even if meadows in VT came from clear cutting 
old growth forests over a century ago),
The milkweed supports monarch butterflies,
Where are they this year?

Bulldozer bulldozes,
plants that look like weeds,
manicure that dirt pile,
plant grass,
goodbye milkweed.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Jupiter's Moons


Sure, a few moons, like we learned in school.
67 and counting?
Enjoy this little video...
Thx to fellow twitterer Massimo...

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Sunday's News

Sunday this week,

Protesters against #fracking and the proposed

transmission line through our rural, scenic town.

They blocked off State St. in Vermont's Capitol.

Yesterday 3 people were arrested,
Overall a peaceful action.

What Remains?
People still need to understand that Expanding our fossil fuel menu is wrong.
This is no place for a fracked gas transmission line...

Sunday, October 25, 2015

#fracking and Anti Pipeline Protest in Vermont....Will you join?

Will you join?

This is a message from folks on the ground in Montpelier:
We, the coalition to stop the vt fracked gas pipeline, have been occupying the middle of State Street in front of the vt state Capitol for 26 hours and we're staying! We need at least 50 people to join us and seek to make a national spectacle of our demonstration and assertion of our first amendment rights. Call your friends! We can do this! Our govt is signing back room deals with multinational corporations to commit our economy and future to climate crisis and we're demanding democracy and a cease to all fossil fuel infrastructure projects. Please come join us! This is a historical moment! Bring food, gear, well wishes, and indomitable spirits! KEEP IT IN THE GROUND!

a few articles to whet your whistle...

Last week's guest column from David J. Brooman, counsel at High Swartz, titled “Building a gas pipeline takes compromise from company and ...

Bill McKibben weighs in in the Digger

Vermont Public Radio
Viewed through this lens, a pipeline like the one proposed by Vermont Gas has two principal problems. First, though gas is sometimes sold as a ...

WPTZ The Champlain Valley
This week, Vermont Gas said 94 percent of landowners along the route have agreed to let the utility bury part of the pipeline on their land. The utility is ...

Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company, a subsidiary of national energy giant Kinder Morgan, will file an application for a 420-mile natural gas pipeline ...

And 2 more before I turn in...

Vermont Biz
by Anne Galloway Opponents of a natural gas pipeline say Vermont Gas is using a legal maneuver to subvert the regulatory process in ...

Vermont Gas arrived shortly after dispatch and was able to shut the main transmission line down,” the press release states. “Gas was reportedly ...

Amy Helm :: GRAMMY Museum :: Interview

Link to a great interview of Amy Helm
and several tunes from her new album.
Didn't it Rain...
appropriate for anyone in the path of Patricia.

The first version of Didn't it Rain that I heard,
by Rosetta Tharpe

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Arrows the Thin Veil & Hoops

 it was not until I looked again, that I saw the similarities
arrows, a blindfold, the bystanders
my vision, and the random stabbing reminders
of that MonSter

this week, radio my entertainment,
the announcer and guest were talking disability and the financial burden on social security
they said it was easy to grant, some young ones didn't need it.
correction: not easy, not a get rich quick, jumping thru hoops,
there seems to always be one more.

no message, really,
i called the radio and spoke my side.
then hung up
and never said all of it.
maybe that's a start

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Please send Energy to Fight the #Fracking Frackers

So Simple,
We don't want
the fracking
they want to use
to feed their
fossil fuel,
disguised as
gaz naturale.

We need the
of Willing
and Pets,
if they are
Just send a thought.
Can't hurt.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Mark Knopfler & Chet Atkins And a little Mass Action on #fracking

Wonderful yt link...

Now for a little request for the environment:

Everyone who is concerned about climate justice and turning away from the use of dangerous fossil fuels ought to be interested in the ACTION that will take place in Montpelier on Saturday, October 24, beginning at 11:00 a.m. The goal is to get such a crowd of people there that it will be very clear that very many Vermont citizens don’t buy the promises of Vermont Gas Systems, believe that officers of VGS have consistently lied about the cost and the expected savings from piping fracked gas to Addison County, and that therefore the VT Public Service Board should terminate the permit to build a pipeline from Burlington to Middlebury.
Here is a promo video that will explain what this is about:
Now it is only days until we are rising up for climate justice and shutting down the Vermont Gas Pipeline. If you haven't already rallied your friends, parents, grandkids, and neighbors to join you at the statehouse this Saturday, October 24th, show them this invitational video. It's good for the soul to remember all of the incredible times when people came together in this campaign to stop the fracked gas pipeline. And it's going to be even more fun to publicly call out the backroom dealings that lead to climate disaster, and stomp out this project together!

For more information on the mass action, visit

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Research: NY battle more important than previously thought - WCAX.COM Local Vermont News, Weather and Sports-

Research: NY battle more important than previously thought - WCAX.COM Local Vermont News, Weather and Sports-

It has been a spectacular stretched out foliage season in the north country.
The local station, Channel 3 did a great story about Early American battles.
New York shares Lake Champlain shores with Vermont.

Great historical sites all around this lake,
Well worth seeing.

Monday, October 19, 2015

No Energy

No Energy

For Isis,
Or Isil,
nasty commenters,
counter commenters,
Hiding, Making up, Using alias power.

Now if this makes no sense,
Perhaps you feel so safe,
or you don't comment,
because they'll snipe you,
Just like the playground.

The energy,
Some seems easier to come by,
all rising in price,
at least since I can remember.

I look around me,


So even if you still don't lock your doors,
Take your shoes off to walk on floors,
Wear a hat when going outdoors,
Avoid commenting back to boors,

If you Feel safe in your iphone crib,
Better keep your eyes open,
That's no fib.

ICYMI: Officials: ISIS is attacking the US energy grid

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Carolyn Wonderland "Judgement Day Blues"

Sunday seems a good day for

Judgement Day Blues...
Carolyn Wonderland, Cole El-Saleh, Rob Hooper
Special music...

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Gaz Recap or #frackers never sleep

Gaz Recap

Updates on the proposed trans Addison County, VT gaz pipeline.
since 10/07/15
I have to filter some out...

WPTZ The Champlain Valley
MONTPELIER, Vt. —The state of Vermont and Vermont Gas Systems has reached an agreement to cap costs of the Vermont natural gas pipeline.

The cost of the Addison pipeline was originally estimated at $86 million. ... “I continue to believe that expanding natural gas beyond Chittenden and ...

From AARP:
Press Statement
October 7, 2015
Our response to today’s announcement on the VGS – DPS MOU
“This is a bad deal for ratepayers. The notion that capping costs at $134 million is somehow a benefit to ratepayers is simply ridiculous. Current VGS ratepayers would still be on the hook for a $134 million project that will provide them no benefit.
“This appears to be a blatant attempt to influence the Public Service Board as they consider the larger issue of VGS’s Certificate of Public Good and the overall economic impact on Vermonters.”
Greg Marchildon
AARP Vermont|State Director
Dave Reville | AARP Vermont | Associate State Director - Communications
199 Main St. | Suite 225 | Burlington, VT 05401
Office: 802-951-1303 | Cell: 802-279-6748
The natural gas pipeline proposed to run from Chittenden County to Addison County is one step closer to completion. Officials from Vermont Gas ...

Vermont Biz
Ratepayers will pick up most of the tab for a natural gas pipeline under a ... Don Rendall, the CEO of Vermont Gas, says the company agreed to the ...
Vermont Business Magazine Vermont Gas today submitted its regular quarterly report regarding the Addison natural gas expansion project with the ...
Now wasn't IP the reason for the Addison county proposed pipeline?

This is the largest mobile pipeline project in the U.S. and showcases the scalability of NG Advantage's service to deliver natural gas as an alternative ...


Lacking natural gas pipeline service in its area, which is common in parts of the Northeast, International Paper was seeking to help underwrite a gas ...

Last but not least:

Hoping for the fracking to stop...meg

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Sean Costello Band video by Anthony Pepitone

A great video link posted on youtube by Anthony Pepitone, the filmamker.
Sean Costello is one of my favorites, discovered by me long after he passed on.
He has a foundation...please give if you can. meg

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Fall Foliage Fresh Photos...2015

Fred and I had a nice drive up to Lincoln, Vermont.
Peak foliage in the mountains.
Perfect weather is stretching it out.
Rain on the way.

I call the mountain above,
Sugar Mountain, Monkton, Vermont

Hogback Mountain, Monkton above.
Can you imagine windmills on these ancient hills?

Monday, October 12, 2015

Columbus Day (U.S.)

Columbus Day

Always fallen leaves blowing around,
In my memories,
The darkness creeping in,
The daylight hours noticeably dwindling.

This year,
We contemplate again the Chris Columbus
whom we celebrate with a day off,
or not.
He's the man who set sail for the new world. 
many years ago.

I will let others decide their feelings about Chris,
But no doubt,
The Guy was Brave!

So I pondered the latest photo-tweet 
Mark Kelly, Astronaut 
who is spending a year in space.

He is like a modern day Chris Columbus,
Deserving of our awe and appreciation,
He has mine.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

A Friend's Artwork

Since tweeting Music and Art,
Wily Bo Walker, and Susan Shulman
and many more,
I am reminded of a friend I lost so long ago now,
a few pieces of his artwork saved in a cardboard box,
always moved with me.
Danny was a special young man,
Loved Film, Movies.
We wrote a strange short film script once.
It may make it here one day.
I also want to post some of his movie posters
we used to post around town.
We had dreams...
before the internet.
When we punched IBM cards by the hundreds to do 
2 plus 2.
It all melds together,
Danny Shulman,
We will meet again.

the thin veil

Saturday, October 10, 2015


Kristen Henry King

Thank you for sharing,
Thank you for giving,
Beautiful Inspiration...

Friday, October 9, 2015

Amy Helm World Tour 2016 Friday Night Musik

Amy Helm & The Handsome Strangers

We were sorry we missed her in Burlington, Vermont.

She sent out updates on her World Tour.

Also this Stellar Video...

Happy Friday...