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Saturday, January 31, 2015

Links to Great music

You tube
Links to Original Classical Music
Stephen Limbaugh

 buy his new album,

Available iTunes and Amazon

coloring book

Adding another image,
I believe he is singing,


Friday, January 30, 2015

another YouTube link 4 Friday

Beth Hart

Music for Friday (or Saturday...or any day...)😎

Levon on my mind a lot,
Our Shaman guide
Through this beautiful, tough, mean old world.

This link  was easy to find.
Search YouTube:
Levon, Ryman.

Did you think life was
Or should be

When you look over there,
Does it look easier?

Reminder of a story been wanting to tell.

It was a day at work when I was ready to throw in the towel. I worked as a visiting nurse case manager. Travelling, assessing, meeting clients, coordinating services, trying to squeeze health care from the limited wellspring.

I met the woman I needed to visit.
My heart was not in it.
I had been in this mode before. Nursing is emotionally draining.
I tried to put on my best face and smile.

The woman and I connected. We had good discussion as I ran down the list of questions.

At some point I noticed the poster...
Levon Helm...
internally I felt like my adrenaline was beginning to raise,
Like in ICU when someone's alarm went off.
These moments were what I lived for in nursing,
And what takes a serious toll.

I asked her, "So you like Levon?"
Was hoping for some epic tale of The Man,
The Man we saw at his barn/ home/studio
And at the Burlington Vermont Jazz festival.

Then the moment that told me,
"You're in the right place, Mary."

I feel like if you see something
Or feel something, like you have been there before,
Or in common terms:
You see a sign,
That maybe you are where you are supposed to be,
No Matter how tired or spent you are,
The Sign tells you,
You are on the right path.

She laughed,
and pointed to a set of ragged drumsticks hanging on the wall.
"Levon gave those to me..."

Well the rest of the interview shifted to music,
And me wanting the experience,
May I touch them?

They were rough, nicked, and Levon drummed with them
At the Burlington Jazz Festival concert we saw.
I remembered her now,
She was down in front, on the main floor of the theater.

When the concert was over, We saw Levon walk over to her and
He handed her his sticks.
The sticks that kept me working a few more years.

She explained..."I was wearing this Imus hat" She lifted it off her head.
This woman and I had a lot in common..."Oh yeah I listen to him too."...
She said she arranged it with Levon that he would give her his sticks
And the Imus hat was how he knew where she was.

I sat in awe and am still amazed at that special visit,
That special woman,
Who let me touch those special sticks,
The sticks of our Shaman Guide.

We never know when a special moment comes along,
It can be anywhere, anytime, anyone,
Who may inspire you to go on,
Telling you you're on the right path.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Coloring Book

Coloring Book
Another image
I start with the eyes, or a chair,
Let the pen tell you the story,
She told herself.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Sparkling Snow

Sparkling Snow

First appeared:

Monday, December 12, 2011

Sparkling Snow

Sparkling Snow
Sparkling Snow**all rights reserved

by mary gerdt

It happened today,

when I thought some great thoughts,

that peace would come


all hunger would stop

and the sick would rejoice when their pain went away

and the lonely will find a friend and the sad will smile.

It happened.

The snow sparkled like never before.

Is that a start?

Seemed like a good day to post my favorite sparkling snow poem.
We had a blustery afternoon and minor drifts
Much worse south of here.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Land of the Free, Home of the Brave

Ms Amy Helm
 Handsome Strangers
YouTube link
Madison square garden

NY Rangers game v. Ottawa Senators

Truly the best version I have ever heard...
The USA National Anthem

Monday, January 26, 2015

Coloring Book

You can make a butterfly
However you like,
Whatever colors, patterns come to you,
Or print this and color it.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Wolf Woman

Wolf Woman

Was it like the Doctor said?
The "Ger" in my name an early name for spear?
Why would I question that?
When this image appeared.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Music Appreciation & Searching for Cafe Society

Music Appreciation & Search for Cafe Society

There was no question that my old office mate Paula was leading me again and again to Greenwich Village. Not The Village of Today, really. The Village of the 1960's. The time when poets and musicians couch surfed, feeding at bars and cafes, the tab covered by a song or a promise.

Great article about the early village:

The reason I got back on this subject was Richard Barone is making and album of early days...
Like a Cafe Society sound track...
Get in on this.
It is historic.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Icicle Farm

Icicle Farm
We heard on the News,
If only it was that easy,
Dripping frozen spikes for sale.
As the winter drags on, oh so much colder than the climatolologists tell you,
Put a hat on is my advice.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Tedeschi Trucks Band - Everybody's Talkin'

The Stellar Susan Tedeschi & Derek Trucks

& Brilliant Band of Musicians

this song in my head all day and then you tube suggested this version...great! meg

Monday, January 19, 2015

Coloring Book

Coloring Book

I found it easier to make butterflies
Without colors
Thus ensued my journey
Towards better images
To color.
The modern coloring book is foreign to me.

Been trying to remember the play
We did in high school:
I never saw another butterfly
Jesse and Donna starred
Incredible performances.
I think Jesse and I designed the sets
And built those heavy black platforms,
Why can't I remember?.
Jesse would.

Feel free to print these coloring books
And use them,
Or make your own.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

"Precious Lord" ~ Alexis P Suter & The Ministers of Sound ~ Live at The ...

For Sunday,
A link from the Number One Blues Artist on the Planet,
This song in my head all last week...Elvis' 80th birthday
I first heard it on Alexis P Suter's live DVD we got at
This version even deeper
Have a great Sunday

Friday, January 16, 2015

Tuesday, January 13, 2015



"Why was it so difficult?"
Said Hermine to Louisa,
"My photos all upside down,
In some shadow universe,
Created by competitors Google, Amazon, authorless Android apps
That for free won't edit your photos very easily,
Or at all?"
Louisa thought for what seemed like forever,
Then responded,
"Hermine, we're just getting old, my friend."

At which Hermine flew out of the co-op.

I had only one photo I could use after wrestling apps half the day...meg

Monday, January 12, 2015

From the North Country

Days like the recent cold spell

Are one reason to oppose the proposed pipeline through Addison County, Vermont
Freezing, open winter...snow, no snow...rain, thaw, refreeze.
As I wave a virtual sign,
Sending the message to the Universe,
Other people can't, won't, don't share my views.
That's OK.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Friday, January 9, 2015

Friday night Musik

The Amazing Ms. Amy Helm

Links from ytube

Now go to her website and pre order her debut album...

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Winter scenes, several storms ago

Vermont Winter

Several storms ago
It was a perfect looking snowstorm,
Trees covered with heavy damaging snow and ice.
Beautiful and nasty.
Temperature plummeting tonight
The snow cover gone.
(The kindle auto spellchecker
Put the "beer" comment in there. I was going to cut it out but kindle had a point.
Cabin fever antidote is sometimes beer or other alchemy.)🐯meg

I squeezed a few photos
Out of my phone...
Am I getting it?

Monday, January 5, 2015

#Fracking Gaz Update Just the facts, Ma'am...

mary's notes:
am increasingly complacent at all the email updates i get regarding all the ways fracking gaz is wrong.
no it is not politics.
my fight is constitutional-land rights
and environmental
i don't want those corporations to swing influence over my neighborhood, my home.
so as i kept putting news on the back burner,
sometimes it is just as well.
i am hoping they pull the plug on this entire gaz folly
now watch electric rates go up first.
well, i need to post and run,
or i will just be more frustrated than i have a right to be
it is the psb, poli's, others with power
doing what i can
meg 1.4.15

Sunday, January 4, 2015


There I was,
Cabin fever starting,
Insidious at first,
With tendrils like tentacles 
Caressing at first,
A familiar face,
Then biting, stinging, numbing cold.
You wake up and outside
The bitter cold
Settles into the valley,
Sneaking in through the cracks.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Happy birthday

Happy birthday 

To everyone

If I say it once this year,
It is for you,
If I say it once,
This is the yt Link...

Friday, January 2, 2015

The Tree came down it Friday?

I went into a micro panic...
Kept forgetting all day
I need Musik for Friday night!
The Tree came down, I swept up the leavings.
Then remembered Macseal posted a Christmas video...
I thought, it kind of fits with today.
The Tree came down today.
And yet,
Sometimes I wish it was Christmas,
We don't want for much,
And others have none,

.and others are kids making fun videos,
Check these guys out

blogging forward...A Kindle World blog: Kindle News: Amazon Cloud Drive Photos App for And...

A Kindle World blog: Kindle News: Amazon Cloud Drive Photos App for And...: Amazon Cloud Drive Photos - New app for Android devices and Original Kindle Fire Oddly enough, the Kindle Fire HD is X'd out in the l...

How to get my phone pics
Into the kindle fire?
Illogical, Spock might quip,
Amazon product can't talk to Amazon Cloud,
It was the last glitch I would have suspected.
Wi fi on
Sync, sync, sync...
Then I found this blog which at least admitted
There is a glitch, or blockage, an error of functionality.
Thank God, Amazon prime feeding me some Lightnin' Hopkins to keep me sane...
Got them old Amazonian, can't sync my shots,
Stale old photos need to be chased out
By the Cloud,
Oh where, oh where are them clouds?

Summer Dreams

Summer Dreams

hit you out of the blue,
You just can't shake them.
Enjoy an image,
If you can bear to see
Those days of Summer

Thursday, January 1, 2015

new year

It's a new year for earth dwellers,
2015 A.D.  by the calendar

For the new year,
No vows or promises, or resolutions,
Just accept me as I am.

I tried to go on writing, but why? 
This simple message should suffice.
