All Saints Herald Stick Season
No, I don't mean hockey season but if the skate fits...
I mean after fall and before the snow. Fall being the falling of leaves, the conclusion to summer, not the date that appears on the calender as the first day of fall.
So for awhile we ponder the bare sticks and wonder how just a few weeks ago, they appeared to be so full of life. The picture here is of a large birch tree clump up on Lincoln Mountain. Those leaves are now all on the ground.
While my niece romps about ??upside down in South America readying for or reveling in Spring. What a wonderful planet. I wish her great travels and stories that will last a lifetime.
We still have carrots to can but keep saying not this weekend.
This weekend sealing cracks in the house to face the soon howling winds.
And tearing down abandoned cobwebs and with it dust.
I started sewing scraps onto a larger scrap piece. Crazy quilt is the pattern. Weird how when you bind together such seemingly opposite fabrics, the stitching is a thread running through the two different fabrics and magically bind them together.
Let's all hope whoever wins Tuesday, they are able to find the right needle and thread to keep us all from holding onto our differences and bind us together in a crazy beautiful quilt.