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Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Tongue Out Tuesday

 Last day of February 2023…

Monday, February 27, 2023



Sunday, February 26, 2023

Red Sky

 We were watching the local weather forecast & a Red Glow appeared as the Sun was Setting.

Thursday, February 23, 2023



Norma and Percy owned & ran the Shoe Repair Shop.

About a block from the House I grew up in.

Norma and Percy were good friends of my Parents.

I always stopped in when I walked past

The Shoe Shop, 

heading to Main Street-Schwartz’s Drug Store, Ben Franklin The Madison Store.

The Smell of Leather, Leather everywhere.

Percy wore an apron and ran the Machines.

Polishers, Cutting Tools, Vise Grips.

Norma worked all the time.

Nice conversation.

Like another Family.

Wednesday, February 22, 2023


 Vaxx History…

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Learning to Lose



Been on My Mind a Lot Lately.

Sometimes We Lose.

Our Humanness Tested 


I remember my First Code 99,


I was a New Nurse on a Medical Floor in a medium sized Hospital.

Doctors, Nurses, All hands on deck.

The Patient died after the Doctor had to stop trying.

The Doctor Lost

I Lost

The Patient & Family Lost.

We all learn something when We Lose or Fail.

I had a Dream that night that as we wheeled the Corpse to the Morgue,

He sat up and shouted, “I’m Not Dead!”

Then I woke up.

Sunday, February 19, 2023

Gadolinium I’m Visualizing a Worldwide Ban on IV/PO/SQ Metal



Friday, February 17, 2023

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Covid-Vaxx-Faux Doctors-Eugenics


Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Music Break

 Link from YouTube Joe Bonamassa Channel ❤️🎸

Joe Bonamassa & Eric Clapton 😎

A Favorite Tune 🎶 

Crank it 

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Texture, Sheep’s 🐑 Wool & Photo Challenges



Happy Valentine’s Day ! 🌹 


Sunday, February 12, 2023

Zentangle: Mandala Variant

 Posting a little late today 

Sleep was Welcoming Me

I Couldn’t let It Down 💤 😴 

Friday, February 10, 2023

Friday Night Musik

 A Very Special YouTube link…

Joan Osborne & Funk Brothers, Wonderful Musicians 

Tgiff 😻

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Rare Earth Metallosis.


Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Route 66

 Sometimes You just have to Slow Down & 

Take the Less Travelled Road. 🚗 🚙🇺🇸🚗🚙🚗🚙🚗🚗🇺🇸😻

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Objective Reporting-Does it Happen?

Has Reporting Ever been Objective?


Monday, February 6, 2023



Sunday, February 5, 2023

Rerun…A Favorite Care Home.


Shard Villa Update, My version

By Mary E Gerdt
all rights reserved 2009

Shard Villa update
I won’t go into the specific facts because I don’t know all the minutiae but I know when a case settles only moments before trial, that somebody’s scared, somebody’s giving in, somebody doesn’t want something to come out, somebody was strutting and now they are groveling, somebody’s sad.
Usually both sides lose something but they will tell you they gave up everything.
The bottom line is somebody will be able to breathe again like the residents who gained what amounts to a welcome reprieve. The relatives who sat on pins and needles knowing legal remedy is an oxymoron. The staff who were checking the paper for jobs and smiling to their beloved residents. People like me who feel that the Villa is a magical place for people who have to live away from their original home. People like the spirit of Columbus Smith who knew how the last minute dealings in conference rooms outside of court can be where the rubber meets the road, before rubber was on roads.
If you don’t understand what I am saying, you have never had to be in one of those little conference rooms listening to someone threaten your existence to get you to sign the paper giving it all away. The alternative route is they will take it all away from you.
I told you it is a snarly place.
The details are expensive but not really important. The details are washed away by the signing of a stipulation agreement. The ABA’s preferred method for settling cases.
It saves the lawyer’s the embarrassing surprises when their clients get on the stand.
It save’s the lawyers participating in their client’s lies their clients believe in.
It produces the illusion that the courtroom just wasn’t necessary. “Settled out of court” sounds so tidy. Don’t be fooled. It is as bloody as it gets.
Congratulations to Shard Villa for maintaining the 100 year plus promise to care for elders and disabled in a castle with amenities and fabulous caring staff.
Wish them luck with me in being successful at fund raising and gaining new residents to carry on Columbus Smith’s mission.
The last day in court I felt he hovered over us, watching these lawyers perform, and all he could think of was, "let me speak…my mission…my place…it is in memory of my children, myself, my wife. Don’t let us go. Watch out for our wishes. We are history. We are the Villa. We will haunt every mother’s sons of the dissenters."
At least I had hopes that was what he was thinking as I zoned out on the boring testimony of lawyers who didn’t want to discuss the one pertinent fact. Columbus Smith was a lawyer and if they undo his wishes, they go against their own and that is truly haunting. They would be inviting everyone in the future to contest 100 year old legacies. Their nightmares are that they appear in court and their opponent cites The board vs. Columbus Smith…
Lawyering. What a bizarre profession.
No longer a mystery to me and probably never was to Mr. Smith.
Mrs. Smith looked out the window alone when her husband was in England lawyering and she wondered if this was worth it all. What a hard life for a woman alone in the wilderness of Vermont as it was in the 1800’s. Yes this couple paid their price.
Wish them the best going forward.

Saturday, February 4, 2023

For Kathy Life is a Circle ❤️


For Kathy ❤️
Life is a Circle
Not a Line
I’m in Your Circle and
You are In Mine.

Bright Sunshine
Sky Blue and Pink 
Flowers Bloom
Above the Kitchen Sink.

Gentle Voice 
Strong and Clear 
She told Us Both
We were Welcome Here.

Edgewood Farm
Winding Road 
Past the Pond
Leaves of Gold.

Chowder simmers 
On the Stove
Dogs at our Feet
Air full of Love.

Kathy sets the Table 
You know, Fancy Style
Waited on Us and
David awhile.

We sit holding hands 
Kathy’s Prays for our Meal
We make a Circle of Love
Prayers to God.

Dinner tastes better 
At Edgewood Farm
Sharing Wine and Conversation 
Laughter, Disagreements, Elation. 

We drive out the Road
That brought us both Here
To Gardens and Horses 
Memories of Kathy
Oh, So Near.

❤️ Mary & Fred

Link from YouTube 🙏🏼🎸😢

Will the Circle 

Be Unbroken?

By & By, Lord

By & By.


Thursday, February 2, 2023