Dagen Bucklesby 🐈⬛
A rambling train of thoughts about the universe and our micro solar system consisting of our dear Sun and other planets in a magnetic dance while we hurtle through space on the face of a rock and stare at flat screens where we attempt to connect while we detach.
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Saturday, December 31, 2022
Friday, December 30, 2022
Thursday, December 29, 2022
Gadolinium isn’t going away…
Thank you @marygerdt @illiad @catriona1 @sparklesco @ToddEBear @SandiTitus1@Lambertdebb@sennasthunder @australHopicalC @Gadolinium_MRI @Peaceanlov@browngravy_93 @internalincmnsz #Gadolinium metallosis:
— B. Wagner, M.D. 🇺🇸 (@Wagner_Nephro) December 28, 2022
👀 321 times
23 downloadshttps://t.co/FFr06IdryF pic.twitter.com/X04Hb6JRWr
My Cartoon depiction:
Wednesday, December 28, 2022
Crazy 2022
President Trump’s Tax Returns made Public by@USSupremeCourt Ruling. Buy at Amazon 😳
— Mary Gerdt Parler:Alvarita1 (@marygerdt) December 25, 2022
Wait, Same SCOTUS vilified by
Left Winger Full Term Abortion Advocates who get Campaign Money from Planned (& unplanned?) Parenthood?@washingtonpost Bezos.. https://t.co/B1l7jyHFVH Taxes? pic.twitter.com/05YHZdqe3L
Tuesday, December 27, 2022
Monday, December 26, 2022
The Inquisition
It is an endless Battle,
Democrat Politicians rule Presidency, Senate &
House of Representatives
Trying to “get Trump”
Mainstream Media plays their part,
Confidential Inside Sources
Secretly, Sneakily snapping photos.
Christmas is behind us now.
Elon’s Twitter turned on a light 💡
I See.
President Trump’s Tax Returns made Public by@USSupremeCourt Ruling. Buy at Amazon 😳
— Mary Gerdt Parler:Alvarita1 (@marygerdt) December 25, 2022
Wait, Same SCOTUS vilified by
Left Winger Full Term Abortion Advocates who get Campaign Money from Planned (& unplanned?) Parenthood?@washingtonpost Bezos.. https://t.co/B1l7jyHFVH Taxes? pic.twitter.com/05YHZdqe3L
Sunday, December 25, 2022
Merry Christmas! 🎄🎁
Memories…I wrote this 9 years ago… 🐄
A Christmas Tail
Monkton Chronicles
Saturday, December 24, 2022
Friday, December 23, 2022
Thursday, December 22, 2022
Travelogue for the Universe: 59 Years ago… Rerun ❤️🎄🎁
Wednesday, December 21, 2022
Late Again… My Daily Blog…
Late Again
5:30 EST came and went
Dark Days
Twitter Good & Bad
Omnibus Bill
Absurd spending of Taxpayer’s Money
By so called Representatives
Many Refer to Me as Deplorable Ultra MAGA
My Money still leaking out for losing parties
Goodbye kiss of Death.
That’s it.
My Daily Thoughts before I take a deep dive into
Twitter Files 8.0
Happy Solstice 🌞
Tuesday, December 20, 2022
Contrails & Chemtrails & Late Night Radio Favorite Art Bell 🛸😎
Fred caught these contrails this morning… 🤔
— Mary Gerdt Parler:Alvarita1 (@marygerdt) December 19, 2022
Art Bell came to mind 📻. pic.twitter.com/vGFA794wI1
Crystal Gayle YouTube link…Beautiful 🎶
Monday, December 19, 2022
Modern Fighting, 2 Fronts
More about The Late Nikolai Shmatko: The King of Marble ❤️🎁 https://t.co/ke6YNJi2HR#Ukraine 🇺🇦
— Mary Gerdt Parler:Alvarita1 (@marygerdt) December 17, 2022
Nikolai Shmatko’s Son @rafshmatko 🙏🏼
Nikolai Predicted @realDonaldTrump -> 3 Terms as USA President. @MELANIATRUMP @DonaldJTrumpJr @IvankaTrump @EricTrump Nik was a Great Friend 💙 pic.twitter.com/pePhUNQn7S
Meanwhile, in NYC, Guardian Angels are Great!
You are Great People! 😎🙏🏼🎄🦅
— Mary Gerdt Parler:Alvarita1 (@marygerdt) December 19, 2022
You Love ❤️ Cats too!
God Please Save #NYC 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 https://t.co/Of9HyR9lKH pic.twitter.com/RXHcss8jvz
Sunday, December 18, 2022
Saturday, December 17, 2022
Friday, December 16, 2022
Friday Night Musik
A friend suggested I have a Listen to This YouTube Link…
Absolutely Beautiful Cover by Dolly Parton ❤️💃🎤🎸
Thursday, December 15, 2022
We first heard Stagger Lee many years ago.
I enjoyed sketching this one.
YouTube link to Original Stagger Lee by Lloyd Price
Wednesday, December 14, 2022
Freedom of Speech
@elonmusk Prophet 💙😎 @mayemusk 💙
— Mary Gerdt Parler:Alvarita1 (@marygerdt) December 12, 2022
I saw clip @DaveChappelle show
Woke Showed Their
Intolerance for Free Speech 🎤
More Americans Treasure the First & Don’t Boo
Speech they don’t agree with.
I’m Sprachlos 🤦♀️
Why? Boo-ers R Bullies.
Bullies & Molesters lost their network. https://t.co/UhYtM01bK5 pic.twitter.com/4dP4VGDCFg
Tuesday, December 13, 2022
Old Wounds, Old Trees, Old Statues
@marygerdt Hello, the unroll you asked for: https://t.co/V3XYJZf3yb Have a good day. 🤖
— Thread Reader App (@threadreaderapp) December 13, 2022
Monday, December 12, 2022
Thread by @marygerdt on Thread Reader App https://t.co/dyKv526xth If I share on FB, Half of My Friends will Hate Me 🤦♀️
— Mary Gerdt Parler:Alvarita1 (@marygerdt) December 11, 2022
Before @elonmusk this Twitter Thread 🧵 would Mysteriously Unravel…Nah, I’m just a Nobody from Nowhere & No Particular Place To Go 😎🇺🇸🍎🐈⬛💙🚀🌈🎄👫🏼Fin
Sunday, December 11, 2022
Hi! the unroll you asked for: https://t.co/Mxvm5yZrZ0 Have a good day. 🤖
— Thread Reader App (@threadreaderapp) December 10, 2022
Saturday, December 10, 2022
Cat Memories
We’ve had a few cats over the years.
Most were dropped off by stupid people who don’t care.
Whitney was a kitten and We adopted Her out to a Friend & Coworker at the Hospital, Lisa.
Lisa eventually got too sick to take care of Whitney Who Lisa renamed Meridian. We picked her up at a meeting place. Lisa died of heart disease at a young age not that long after. She was a Great Person & Great Social Worker…
Friday, December 9, 2022
Thursday, December 8, 2022
SRV Link 🙏🏼❤️🎸
Gone too soon 😢
Stevie Ray Vaughn packed a lot of notes 🎶 into His brief lifetime.
Double Trouble His Group of Talented Musicians & Messengers.
This video YouTube link from SRV’s Channel spoke to Me in the wee hours.
Crank it up 🆙
Wednesday, December 7, 2022
Twitter Chatter, Does it Matter?
Why can’t American News Outlets Report This!?!
— Mary Gerdt Parler:Alvarita1 (@marygerdt) December 5, 2022
I learn more from @SkyNewsAust 💙 @elonmusk stopped Twitter’s Pre-Elon Editing/canceling/altering Conservative accounts. #Ukraine is a political Pawn. Spun from Greed, Lies, Deceit, Cover ups, Orchestrated by Madman Pootin. 😢🙏🏼🇺🇦 https://t.co/SoAWWKb0Si pic.twitter.com/Jqv00Cl2fY
Tuesday, December 6, 2022
Monday, December 5, 2022
Sunday, December 4, 2022
Saturday, December 3, 2022
Friday, December 2, 2022
Friday Night Musik
Links from YouTube…
Beautiful Blues History Lesson 💙❤️🙏🏼🎸
Love Stevie Ray Vaughn & all of the Wonderful Blues Musicians 😎
Thursday, December 1, 2022
Wednesday, November 30, 2022
Tuesday, November 29, 2022
Monday, November 28, 2022
Sunday, November 27, 2022
Rerun of an old Battle…
Hi! the unroll you asked for: https://t.co/PLEOISa1bo Enjoy :) 🤖
— Thread Reader App (@threadreaderapp) November 26, 2022
Saturday, November 26, 2022
No Question @elonmusk 😎🦅🇺🇸
— Mary Gerdt Parler:Alvarita1 (@marygerdt) November 25, 2022
2nd Most Interesting Twit 🧐 (not on your list 🐈):@catturd2 Once Banned from Twitter BE..Before Elon 💙
Elon Musk Reinstated My Favorite Tweeting Feline w/the Heart of a Tiger 🐅😻 https://t.co/Fiq2mAKvlx pic.twitter.com/WMB0EuXJau
Friday, November 25, 2022
Thursday, November 24, 2022
Wednesday, November 23, 2022
Tuesday, November 22, 2022
Propaganda Primer
Thread by @marygerdt on Thread Reader App https://t.co/D0UJQwffHX
— Mary Gerdt Parler:Alvarita1 (@marygerdt) November 20, 2022
Monday, November 21, 2022
Sunday, November 20, 2022
Saturday, November 19, 2022
Friday, November 18, 2022
Friday Night Musik
Sometimes a Great YouTube link just appears 😎
Tgiff 🦅
Frank Watkinson 🎶
Special Version Stones’ Sympathy For The Devil
Thursday, November 17, 2022
I Hope You’re Taking Notes 📝
Rerun old favorite
Wrote for my Mom many years ago ❤️
I Hope You’re Taking Notes 📝
“I hope you’re taking notes”, my mother exclaimed as we settled into a long overdue visit.
“Oh, I am”, I replied.
We have never had too much trouble communicating with each other. No time to beat around the bush, skirt the issue, wallow in subtleties.
I quickly discovered she was mad about “having” to be “placed” in an apartment with my father. But she always said it was OK if we had to place her in a nursing home and this is just an apartment. The light bulb went off in my head. “But this is the nicest senior housing I have ever been in.” I tried to recover from feeling like I had forgotten something. I guess I had. Does she remember when we talked…they had a choice…everyone thought it was for the best. Now I sat across from My Mom, a mad senior, one with nothing to lose, one with a mission to educate her health care professional daughter about the real world.
I remember when I was 5 and going to kindergarten. 3 doors down. So far away. My mother told me then about the real world. You will come here every day. They don’t have your name tag. You are in the wrong classroom. But I liked the other teacher. You will get used to it. You will have to take naps. I thought to myself, what’s a nap?
We often begin thinking things are one way and discover our perception is only that.
My viewpoint. My reality. Seen through My eyes and filtered through My experiences and My learning.
Some will never get to the point of seeing how their experiences shape their reality.
These are the my way or the highway types.
Some are willing to work through the experiences and consider their perceptions may be influenced by past events.
These are people like you and I who are trying to learn all we can in this life.
Then there is my Mom.
Deceptively quiet at times. Deep down a true warrior. Anti-war warrior, shaman princess, student of metaphysics, Esperanto, Rosicrucian, mother of seven assertive “Gerdt” children, Modern thinker, lover of ancient times, Atlantis aficionado, Lover of Omar Khayyam, opera and anything mystical, mindreader, painter, dreamer.
Now do you understand my dilemma?
She is always right (but staunchly left).
She is powerful but gentle.
She is outspoken but reserved.
The conversation turns as it always does (to my relief) to death and plans.
“I want to be cremated” my mother says plainly as she has done since I was a little one.
“I know, Mom.” How could I forget. After all these years hearing it over and over as if I would suddenly forget when the time comes and slip to the mortician. “Embalm her now, I would say. The purple fluid. “
I decide to change the subject.
“I have made a decision too, Mom. I want to be cremated and Fred knows where I want my ashes spread.” There, the conversation has been successfully diverted. Mom can’t say anything to that one. Now she knows how I feel. Or maybe she still doesn’t.
So we go on trying to make conversation about old days and pictures from the past and what they had for lunch or doctor’s appointments to come. Where is your pain today?
Or silence as the 24 hour news channel stirs up the elders. War, gas prices, political failures, government conspiracies, snafu’s. The golf channel with it eternal 18 hole game. The food channel.
Is it time to eat again?
We take a ride up the river road. One of my favorite places on the planet. The bluffs north of Alton remind me of a day this was all under water. When the planet was covered with water and we were all sea creatures.
We stop at the Wilton Hotel, an old family style restaurant/hotel with fresh fried chicken, homemade sausages and pickles. We get a pound of asparagus at a roadside stand. I envy the woman who sells it to us. She lives out here in the middle of nowhere and makes her living working the land. She has a peace on her face that farmers have. No money, maybe, but that extraordinary peacefulness. She may not even know I am looking at her like that. She may not think her life is so special. "Maybe I could take a vacation sometime", she thinks as we drive away. "Instead of picking this damn asparagus every day."
We get on the Brussels ferry, a 10 minute ride across the Illinois River. I get out to smell the river air. I close my eyes. Feel the motion of the ferry underfoot. Hang onto the railing. I envision the days when people rode the riverboats and played cards and traded and traveled these rivers. A short little trip but I try to prolong it. Hold on to the memory. Can’t I stay forever?
Before you know it we are on the other side.
Before you know it we are back on the plane to go home.
Short visit. So short.
I mindlessly chew the handful of peanuts they gave me and try not to cry on the plane. When I left home years ago, I was eager to find my own way, a new world, a place where no one knew me, or had preconceived ideas about me. It was a bittersweet memory like now. Leaving my parents, wondering if this was the last time, wondering why Vermont was where I landed. Why so different after all than Illinois.
But when the green mountains appeared on the horizon it was as if they said,
“Welcome back, we missed you”, just like the first time.
10 minutes to ground I pulled out my paper and started writing. I heard my mother’s voices say ”I hope you’re taking notes…”
Wednesday, November 16, 2022
Tuesday, November 15, 2022
Imposter? Impersonator? Is it Possible?
Late Again…
My 5:30 am est
My daily Ritual Blog Post.
I had been thinking about How the Internet is a Cesspool.
Crap, Garbage, Murky Waters.
Watch where You Step 😲😵💫🤐🤥🫣🫠🫥😎
A Nobody might say they’re Somebody.
Fishing, Hooking, Sizing up.
Bait, Yank,
Timeless Lessons: