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Thursday, April 30, 2020

Dreaded #Covid19

My comments... article link below
By not reporting how many Covid 19 deaths occurred in Nursing Homes, Able bodied workers are confined at home in groups that are necessary to survive. Nursing home patients are generally crowded, not able to self care, sedentary, no sunlight nor fresh air. Mobile caregivers come a go. Compare to Elderly Independent people in same community.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Sunlight is a Great Disinfectant

Monday, April 27, 2020

Viral Fatigue

Oh, so tiring 

Viral Fatigue 
Multiplying endlessly 
Lockdown a Drag

Playing Clockmaker 

Made a few masks

Meela climbing the walls 🐱

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Prayers for Hope

From Dave, our church leader, 

praying for and with all of us, 

our church is always open

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Support your local Artists

Sometimes local is a little farther away...

Follow and He does consignment works
Help Support this Artist 

Friday, April 24, 2020

Friday Night Musik

I sat in my homecare patient’s living room. She’s a Tibetan Refugee. She doesn’t speak English. Her son offers me tea. I declined. He looked at me with a stunned look and shook his head no. It was not optional. He said She would be insulted if I didn’t accept this gift. She was spinning this strange thing, looked like a top. She never stopped. I asked him what was she doing? He said, “She’s keeping us all on the planet” She was praying. When we were done, I said goodbye. Her handed me a piece of fruit for my drive home. The visit was a gift I’ll never forget ❤️

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Raised Bed Garden

Fred and I went up the mountain and picked up our raised bed kit.
Really quality design, wood and functionality 👍🏼
Nice people.
Easy to assemble.
We are grateful 🙏🏼

Sunday, April 19, 2020



Sundays aren’t the same anymore 
Maybe forevermore.

Sunday morning 
Traffic changed
Churches shuttered
Lives Rearranged 

A little virus 🦠 
Infected our world
Turned it upside down 
Our lives unfurled 

A little kindness 
Goes a long way
Life will be normal again
So “they” say 

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Pieces of String.. Extra Credit Assignment.

Extra... Breaking Braking Bad

Put the Brakes on, in other words...

First, my favorite Multiple Sclerosis related blog

Here are my comments:
  • Ok, let me start by saying blaming our President is easy for people to do. He doesn’t mind. He is facing the beginning of our second Great Depression. Hungry people, empty store shelves, collapsed markets. He is surrounded by Medical Experts and, Yes, Scientists who guide his actions. He has a responsibility to explore all possibilities and to give us Hope too. That’s Empathetic, not political.
    Third in succession to President is Nancy Pelosi, who adjourned the House of Representatives went back to her mansion and went on late night comedy showing her refrigerator stocked with $13/pint ice cream and basket full of chocolate. She is revered.
    Let me clarify for you, it is Bill Gates pushing a vaccine. And an “immunity card” and a nanotechnology chip to identify us. I won’t take it.
    WHO is also complicit In not being open about The ? Man made Deadly virus. They are involved with Bill Gates. They experimented their vaccines on unsuspecting Africans and Monkeys. They also gave pregnant Rhesus monkeys gadolinium BTW.
    Chinese Communists also have not been honest. Please don’t leave them out.
    Me? I have a mask, naturally socially distant. If I get it and die, well I’ve had a good life.
    I will Not take a Gates vaccine. He couldn’t make an HIV or Malaria vaccine. He has spent billions on that failure.
    Food for thought. Our people are being quarantined to death.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Nano World

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Rerun: Easter 🐣 Travelogue for the Universe: Darkness in the Light

Travelogue for the Universe: Darkness in the Light: Have a Blessed Easter wherever you are on or off the planet. My memories of Easter are mental snaphots and video clips of Mom putting a ne...

***original link to article about crucifixion doesn’t work.
This one does:

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Rerun... Travelogue for the Universe: Acting

Travelogue for the Universe: Acting: Fanny Lindbeck, Our grandmother, acted on stage at the Wildey Theatre. It came up in conversation with Mom again and I wanted to write it...

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

#Gadolinium 201

My pain has been Other Worldly 

I believe an iatrogenic effect of repeated Gadolinium injections for MRI’S 

Another piece in the puzzle 🧩 arrived yesterday.

And another

Tuesday, April 7, 2020


Meela Tweets with Number 10 Cat

Wishing Boris Johnson well. This is not a political statement. It’s about being kind to people who have the Covid 19.

Monday, April 6, 2020

Nurses in the Know: The History and Future of Advance Directives

Clearly a response to Covid 19 outbreak and concerns over healthcare resources, UK Citizens with Disability received a letter asking them about signing a DNR, Do Not Resuscitate Order. My opinion is that’s what Government Controlled Healthcare is all about. I suggested my friends there review USA laws and how they came about. Found this great article about everything I was looking for.

Hope y’all are safe and healthy. Meg

Nurses in the Know: The History and Future of Advance Directives

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Website for COV19 information

Saturday, April 4, 2020