A rambling train of thoughts about the universe and our micro solar system consisting of our dear Sun and other planets in a magnetic dance while we hurtle through space on the face of a rock and stare at flat screens where we attempt to connect while we detach.
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Sunday, June 30, 2019
Saturday, June 29, 2019
Hip Hop for #MultipleSclerosis
Damian doing the Weekend Twitter Takeover for Shift MS And
He did a Hip Hop Video 😎 Check it Out! Subscribe to his YouTube Channel 👍🏼👍🏿🎸
Rapped about the #MultipleSclerosis diagnosis in this #MusicVideo cuz when life hands you lemons, make dope #HipHop! Also, I’ve never done a #TwitterTakeover so before I start rattling off posts maybe do you have any questions for me?❓⁉️ #AskMehttps://t.co/xh83KsR8qN pic.twitter.com/PhN3SGEuy5— Shift.ms/Damian (@shiftms) June 28, 2019
Friday, June 28, 2019
Friday Night Musik
Children Of Jack -- Guy Forsyth & Jeska Bailey https://t.co/uIRFGVV7ox via @YouTube @brainpicker Maria, love this song about #JackKerouac Thought you would too 😎 @guyforsyth1 ☮️
— Mary Gerdt (@marygerdt) June 26, 2019A Favorite ❤️
Link From YouTube
Thursday, June 27, 2019
All are Welcome
🙏🏼 My Virtual Church ⛪️ is a Welcoming Place
There’s a new website to Visit and Pray
You’re Welcome
Please join us for night prayer, we are aware of the missing piece in tje symbols and will rectify as soon as possible, The changes to the site have been a major piece of work amd thanks to your prayers have gone relatively smoothly. https://t.co/4LMpYvBLQZ pic.twitter.com/JrLsme4C6r— Disability&Jesus ♿⛪ (@DisabilityJ) June 26, 2019
Wednesday, June 26, 2019
Tuesday, June 25, 2019
Periodic Table Chemistry 101
Thanks to Dr. Wagner who tweeted this image.
#Gadolinium always on my mind.
“#Gadolinium is a rare earth heavy metal in the lanthanide series, with an atomic number of 64. The 7 unpaired electrons in its 4f subshell enable gadolinium to induce a strong paramagnetic effect—https://t.co/QMgzzf1c4D https://t.co/GDAEDpm8dO pic.twitter.com/TRMDi7VxFj— B. Wagner, M.D. (@Wagner_Nephro) June 23, 2019
Monday, June 24, 2019
Rerun... Travelogue for the Universe: Spirograph Nebula
Travelogue for the Universe: Spirograph Nebula: Source: Hubblesite.org i begged mom for a spirograph for christmas, never believing in santa, i saw how mom had to work every day t...
Sunday, June 23, 2019
When Dogs 🐕 Tweet, in Church ⛪
Sunday Post 🙏🏼
And here is @jarvisguidedog pic of the day https://t.co/zeu0LBvV1W— Disability&Jesus ♿⛪ (@DisabilityJ) June 22, 2019
Saturday, June 22, 2019
Friday, June 21, 2019
Friday Night Musik
A very special YouTube link
By Etta James 🌹 and Dr. John R.I.P. ❤️
Both lost too soon
Their music lives on 🎶
Thursday, June 20, 2019
Remembering Mom
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
I Hope You're Taking Notes
[i wrote this 4 years ago about the time i started blogging. I sent to a friend and lost it. today she sent me the file and i wanted it in my blog memories, multicolored moments, some stinging, some sweet, all good.. this is for mom]
“I hope you’re taking notes”, my mother exclaimed as we settled into a long overdue visit.
“Oh, I am”, I replied.
We have never had too much trouble communicating with each other. No time to beat around the bush, skirt the issue, wallow in subtleties.
I quickly discovered she was mad about “having” to be “placed” in an apartment with my father. But she always said it was OK if we had to place her in a nursing home and this is just an apartment. The light bulb went off in my head. “But this is the nicest senior housing I have ever been in.” I tried to recover from feeling like I had forgotten something. I guess I had. Does she remember when we talked…they had a choice…everyone thought it was for the best. Now I sat across from My Mom, a mad senior, one with nothing to lose, one with a mission to educate her health care professional daughter about the real world.
I remember when I was 5 and going to kindergarten. 3 doors down. So far away. My mother told me then about the real world. You will come here every day. They don’t have your name tag. You are in the wrong classroom. But I liked the other teacher. You will get used to it. You will have to take naps. I thought to myself, what’s a nap?
We often begin thinking things are one way and discover our perception is only that.
My viewpoint. My reality. Seen through My eyes and filtered through My experiences and My learning.
Some will never get to the point of seeing how their experiences shape their reality.
These are the my way or the highway types.
Some are willing to work through the experiences and consider their perceptions may be influenced by past events.
These are people like you and I who are trying to learn all we can in this life.
Then there is my Mom.
Deceptively quiet at times. Deep down a true warrior. Anti-war warrior, shaman princess, student of metaphysics, Esperanto, Rosicrucian, mother of seven assertive “Gerdt” children, Modern thinker, lover of ancient times, Atlantis aficionado, Lover of Omar Khayyam, opera and anything mystical, mindreader, painter, dreamer.
Now do you understand my dilemma?
She is always right (but staunchly left).
She is powerful but gentle.
She is outspoken but reserved.
The conversation turns as it always does (to my relief) to death and plans.
“I want to be cremated” my mother says plainly as she has done since I was a little one.
“I know, Mom.” How could I forget. After all these years hearing it over and over as if I would suddenly forget when the time comes and slip to the mortician. “Embalm her now, I would say. The purple fluid. “
I decide to change the subject.
“I have made a decision too, Mom. I want to be cremated and Fred knows where I want my ashes spread.” There, the conversation has been successfully diverted. Mom can’t say anything to that one. Now she knows how I feel. Or maybe she still doesn’t.
So we go on trying to make conversation about old days and pictures from the past and what they had for lunch or doctor’s appointments to come. Where is your pain today?
Or silence as the 24 hour news channel stirs up the elders. War, gas prices, political failures, government conspiracies, snafu’s. The golf channel with it eternal 18 hole game. The food channel.
Is it time to eat again?
We take a ride up the river road. One of my favorite places on the planet. The bluffs north of Alton remind me of a day this was all under water. When the planet was covered with water and we were all sea creatures.
We stop at the Wilton Hotel, an old family style restaurant/hotel with fresh fried chicken, homemade sausages and pickles. We get a pound of asparagus at a roadside stand. I envy the woman who sells it to us. She lives out here in the middle of nowhere and makes her living working the land. She has a peace on her face that farmers have. No money, maybe, but that extraordinary peacefulness. She may not even know I am looking at her like that. She may not think her life is so special. "Maybe I could take a vacation sometime", she thinks as we drive away. "Instead of picking this damn asparagus every day."
We get on the Brussels ferry, a 10 minute ride across the Illinois River. I get out to smell the river air. I close my eyes. Feel the motion of the ferry underfoot. Hang onto the railing. I envision the days when people rode the riverboats and played cards and traded and traveled these rivers. A short little trip but I try to prolong it. Hold on to the memory. Can’t I stay forever?
Before you know it we are on the other side.
Before you know it we are back on the plane to go home.
Short visit. So short.
I mindlessly chew the handful of peanuts they gave me and try not to cry on the plane. When I left home years ago, I was eager to find my own way, a new world, a place where no one knew me, or had preconceived ideas about me. It was a bittersweet memory like now. Leaving my parents, wondering if this was the last time, wondering why Vermont was where I landed. Why so different after all than Illinois.
But when the green mountains appeared on the horizon it was as if they said,
“Welcome back, we missed you”, just like the first time.
10 minutes to ground I pulled out my paper and started writing. I heard my mother’s voices say ”I hope you’re taking notes…”
“I hope you’re taking notes”, my mother exclaimed as we settled into a long overdue visit.
“Oh, I am”, I replied.
We have never had too much trouble communicating with each other. No time to beat around the bush, skirt the issue, wallow in subtleties.
I quickly discovered she was mad about “having” to be “placed” in an apartment with my father. But she always said it was OK if we had to place her in a nursing home and this is just an apartment. The light bulb went off in my head. “But this is the nicest senior housing I have ever been in.” I tried to recover from feeling like I had forgotten something. I guess I had. Does she remember when we talked…they had a choice…everyone thought it was for the best. Now I sat across from My Mom, a mad senior, one with nothing to lose, one with a mission to educate her health care professional daughter about the real world.
I remember when I was 5 and going to kindergarten. 3 doors down. So far away. My mother told me then about the real world. You will come here every day. They don’t have your name tag. You are in the wrong classroom. But I liked the other teacher. You will get used to it. You will have to take naps. I thought to myself, what’s a nap?
We often begin thinking things are one way and discover our perception is only that.
My viewpoint. My reality. Seen through My eyes and filtered through My experiences and My learning.
Some will never get to the point of seeing how their experiences shape their reality.
These are the my way or the highway types.
Some are willing to work through the experiences and consider their perceptions may be influenced by past events.
These are people like you and I who are trying to learn all we can in this life.
Then there is my Mom.
Deceptively quiet at times. Deep down a true warrior. Anti-war warrior, shaman princess, student of metaphysics, Esperanto, Rosicrucian, mother of seven assertive “Gerdt” children, Modern thinker, lover of ancient times, Atlantis aficionado, Lover of Omar Khayyam, opera and anything mystical, mindreader, painter, dreamer.
Now do you understand my dilemma?
She is always right (but staunchly left).
She is powerful but gentle.
She is outspoken but reserved.
The conversation turns as it always does (to my relief) to death and plans.
“I want to be cremated” my mother says plainly as she has done since I was a little one.
“I know, Mom.” How could I forget. After all these years hearing it over and over as if I would suddenly forget when the time comes and slip to the mortician. “Embalm her now, I would say. The purple fluid. “
I decide to change the subject.
“I have made a decision too, Mom. I want to be cremated and Fred knows where I want my ashes spread.” There, the conversation has been successfully diverted. Mom can’t say anything to that one. Now she knows how I feel. Or maybe she still doesn’t.
So we go on trying to make conversation about old days and pictures from the past and what they had for lunch or doctor’s appointments to come. Where is your pain today?
Or silence as the 24 hour news channel stirs up the elders. War, gas prices, political failures, government conspiracies, snafu’s. The golf channel with it eternal 18 hole game. The food channel.
Is it time to eat again?
We take a ride up the river road. One of my favorite places on the planet. The bluffs north of Alton remind me of a day this was all under water. When the planet was covered with water and we were all sea creatures.
We stop at the Wilton Hotel, an old family style restaurant/hotel with fresh fried chicken, homemade sausages and pickles. We get a pound of asparagus at a roadside stand. I envy the woman who sells it to us. She lives out here in the middle of nowhere and makes her living working the land. She has a peace on her face that farmers have. No money, maybe, but that extraordinary peacefulness. She may not even know I am looking at her like that. She may not think her life is so special. "Maybe I could take a vacation sometime", she thinks as we drive away. "Instead of picking this damn asparagus every day."
We get on the Brussels ferry, a 10 minute ride across the Illinois River. I get out to smell the river air. I close my eyes. Feel the motion of the ferry underfoot. Hang onto the railing. I envision the days when people rode the riverboats and played cards and traded and traveled these rivers. A short little trip but I try to prolong it. Hold on to the memory. Can’t I stay forever?
Before you know it we are on the other side.
Before you know it we are back on the plane to go home.
Short visit. So short.
I mindlessly chew the handful of peanuts they gave me and try not to cry on the plane. When I left home years ago, I was eager to find my own way, a new world, a place where no one knew me, or had preconceived ideas about me. It was a bittersweet memory like now. Leaving my parents, wondering if this was the last time, wondering why Vermont was where I landed. Why so different after all than Illinois.
But when the green mountains appeared on the horizon it was as if they said,
“Welcome back, we missed you”, just like the first time.
10 minutes to ground I pulled out my paper and started writing. I heard my mother’s voices say ”I hope you’re taking notes…”
Posted by Travelogue for the Universe at 9:29 PM
Wednesday, June 19, 2019
Can We Change?
Can we?
Without Lawyers
And Courtrooms
Threats and Testimonies
Can we Change?
Without Lawyers
And Courtrooms
Threats and Testimonies
Can we Change?
We are a group of concerned citizens who have been negatively affected,we believe, by #Gadolinium injections for MRI contrast.We’re not asking for courtroom drama or compensation. We just want it stopped until actually proven safe (BTW, which it is Not). Easier said than done 🤦♀️ https://t.co/99bdOWySdw pic.twitter.com/yT9hGY3e1O— Mary Gerdt (@marygerdt) June 16, 2019
Tuesday, June 18, 2019
Monday, June 17, 2019
Nasty begat Nasty.— Mary Gerdt (@marygerdt) June 16, 2019
Hey, Freedom works both ways,
In fact,
All ways.
Me? I’m pro @realDonaldTrump 😎
I’m Free.
Thanking my two Dads, WW 2 veterans, R.I.P. ❤️🇺🇸🌹 pic.twitter.com/OMnS9ybPWI
Sunday, June 16, 2019
Flag Day on the Moon
Posted by NASA on Flag Day USA 🇺🇸 7.14.19
Happy #FlagDay! 🇺🇸 One of our most iconic images is of Buzz Aldrin saluting the American flag on the surface of the Moon. Did you know that over the next 3 years, 5 more flags joined the one left by Apollo 11? Learn more about stars & stripes in space: https://t.co/dKBILoZt8W pic.twitter.com/jVfU65PuQq— NASA (@NASA) June 14, 2019
Saturday, June 15, 2019
Friday, June 14, 2019
Thursday, June 13, 2019
Wednesday, June 12, 2019
Backyard Visitors
The lone vulture sat on the snag tree. Later, his family started circling and it was marvelous. Some of them landed up on the hill. Guess they found a carcass.
Backyard Visitor Virginia #Vulture 😎 pic.twitter.com/1LEvVC1kQK— Mary Gerdt (@marygerdt) June 12, 2019
Tuesday, June 11, 2019
Monday, June 10, 2019
Virtual Pentecost Service
Friends in UK coordinated a Virtual Pentecost Service. Here is a link to their twitter thread...Enjoy at your leisure, wherever you may be. 🙏🏼🌹🦌
Sunday, June 9, 2019
Saturday, June 8, 2019
Friday, June 7, 2019
Thursday, June 6, 2019
75 years D Day Anniversary
Prayers for all the soldiers and their families who sacrificed so much
For Our Freedom.
Lots of tweets sending messages around the world
I picked this thread to post.
For Our Freedom.
Lots of tweets sending messages around the world
I picked this thread to post.
Wednesday, June 5, 2019
Be a Twit Too
Thread by @WeNurses: "Some final Teach A Nurse To Tweet Tuesday shares This is useful >> Or here's another version > And building on from that ..... This is useful from @WeStudentNurse And finally for today […]" #TANTTT https://t.co/kQKtZQ0Ash— Mary Gerdt (@marygerdt) June 4, 2019
Tuesday, June 4, 2019
Rare Earth 🌏 Poetry
Pain is Fine— Mary Gerdt (@marygerdt) June 1, 2019
When it goes Away.
Unwelcome Here,
It’s Here to Stay.
Pain this Time #Gadolinium gone Astray.
Wedged in Places
I’d rather not say.
You can Doubt it,
You can Fight it
You just Can’t Right it.
Clearing out dreaded Metal
Some coming out
You just can’t get all.
🙀 https://t.co/So068umvMF
Not so Easy, so You See.— Mary Gerdt (@marygerdt) June 1, 2019
To see the Metal
That Toxifies Me
And all the Others
Suffer with Me
Hard to believe us
The Suffering We.
😨 pic.twitter.com/RD5lxulN0Q
Monday, June 3, 2019
Sunday, June 2, 2019
Do Something...
About your Multiple Sclerosis if you have it...
Many People don’t know what it was like before #DMT https://t.co/BoE0QO7pCv 😢— Mary Gerdt (@marygerdt) June 2, 2019
Saturday, June 1, 2019
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