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Saturday, March 30, 2019

Saturday Music Link ❤️ 🎶 🎸

Very special tune Fred found on YouTube... I’m in awe, Flashback 👠

Link to Golden Earring ...Radar Love 💕 

Friday, March 29, 2019

Friday Night Musik

This week, a Favorite from American Beauty Album by The Grateful Dead

Link from YouTube 😎
Buy their Musik

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Rerun... Travelogue for the Universe: Just Us

Rerun old poem...seems so long ago, and like yesterday,

Like all Painful experiences 😢

Travelogue for the Universe: Just Us: This is not to be judgemental only to explain the pain of lawyering and why I believe the justice system is flawed. I thank my forefathers t...

Monday, March 25, 2019

Spring Views

Unlike our Vermont Family in the North Country, We Are Enjoying a beautiful Virginia Spring. Flowering trees and shrubs welcome the warm sunshine 🌞 

Yesterday Magnolias greeted us warmly...

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Lenten Journey

Virtual Church is Church 

Our World Shrinking

Friend Dave posted a prayer for Lent 
It really hit home with me,
Staying Still.

Lighthouse at Crown Point, New York  

Friday, March 22, 2019

Friday Night Musik

Just in time, a Great little Video, from Charlie Daniels & Beau Weevils 

Tgiff ! 🎸

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Sea And Songbird

Repeat of a Vermont Spring Video

Added to Hampton Beach, off season 

Time out for you.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Lenten Journey

Praying with Dave... Follow him...

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Zentangle in Progress

Lesson 8

Working on this one,
You do the practice patterns in a sketchbook 
Then launch a more serious effort 
Then you let it sit 
Then You Come back later.
And it changes on it’s own 
Did You?


Monday, March 18, 2019

Rerun ... Pain Zentangle

Posting my Pain Zentangle again.  

Been going through the lessons again.
Forgot I had done this one quite awhile ago
My Pain no less distressing 
A constellation of angst.

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Travelogue for the Universe: Betz

Mom on my mind a lot today...❤️

Travelogue for the Universe: Betz: Betz Some thoughts I was marvelling at the proteins strands in my brain processing all the memories, feelings, old smells, emotions, evo...

Saturday, March 16, 2019

A little more music...

Another special tune with Amy Helm

And Sisters Of The Strawberry 🍓 Moon 🌝 

Beautiful 🙏🏼🌹

Friday, March 15, 2019

Friday Night Musik

Two very special Musik links featuring the fabulous Amy Helm, 

Also Matt Andersen

And the Midnight Ramble Band

From YouTube 

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Tuesday, March 12, 2019


Teach a Nurse to Tweet Tuesday 📲

Monday, March 11, 2019

Next Steps 🚀 🛰 👩🏼‍🚀 👨🏿‍🚀

NASA link for updates on Space Travel, Exploration... tune in today...

Follow links in article in this tweet...

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Lesson 6

Lesson 6 Zentangle 

Hard to believe I am progressing in my lessons.
This is where I left off several years ago
Let’s see how far I go now...

Friday, March 8, 2019

Thursday, March 7, 2019

In My Tribe

In My Tribe 

Psalm Challenge 83

Each week I am trying to be more inquisitive about the Psalm coming up.
At first I wondered how I would keep track of the number, could I even understand those mystical sounding songs written by Asaph? or who really? How can thousands of years go by and something is not lost in the translation? Especially with the inherent bias of the translators.
It helps to read the other entries, hosted on the website below. The photos, extraordinary.
The songs after all, will mean something different to all of us as individuals. They leave some mystery for us to be inquisitive about. Clever, of course, since we humans so often ignore the obvious or direct communication.
This week I managed to research on Monday and have pretty much thought about the meaning, the various interpretations, the co-occuring modern wars, conflicts, uprisings and random acts of senseless violence near and afar on our fair planet. Wish me luck with my poem.
for other entries:
Psalm Challenge...

In my tribe

i saw my father buckle

under the weight of poverty
created by too many children
not enough to go around,
nothing much extra i should say
we never knew we were poor
in my tribe

my mother worked like a dog for men
who took credit for her know how and skill
and they smiled at her
and that was enough for mom
i love her so

in my tribe
we came from the old country where
the bastards drove us out
took our land
killed our men
for religion, land and money
oh and

in my tribe
we got stronger
with each passing blow
each setback,
hungry moment

i saw the photos of jews
killed by nazi's,
read the stories
of germans gone bad.
my relatives
my father was caught up in WW 2,
sailing the South Pacific while his brother and
other neighbors fought
against the people who drove his grandfather
from prussian farmlands.
we were danish now i know
it can get confusing sometimes
whose tribe you are really in

in my tribe
i sometimes imagine how genghis khan conquered
some of my people.
is he also my blood?

Blood aside,
in my tribe
we were taught to respect and love
honor and obey,
fight against oppression, poverty, hunger and shame.

I read the story of Ezekiel and foreseeing nazi plunders
fearing the end of abrahams children
i finally started to see the blending of judaism and christianity
and why it is so despised
the despicables.
they can never win
my tribe
or the tribes of God
they can and will try

as i look out at the milky way and see my mother's essence and hear her voice in my mind say
"milky way"
I am reminded of my tribe
and the faith she gave me
and she said
go see the world.

she studied jesus
and mystics
and the bible
in my tribe

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

For the Babies 3

Monday, March 4, 2019

Dad’s Music

A friend posted this YouTube link and I went right back in time to sitting with Dad

Listening to Glenn Miller...

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Tangled up in Zen

The Zentangle Again emerges in my life.

I started over...
Lesson 1-4
Images out of order,
My usual status 😎
Black and White
Back to Basics
Thanks to Friends who helped me back on the Path...