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Sunday, September 30, 2018

Strange Future

Friday, September 28, 2018


 Tommy went to heaven yesterday 

Our little feline companion 
He had a Good Life 
We love Him so.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Rerun..Travelogue for the Universe: Psalm Challenge 114

Travelogue for the Universe: Psalm Challenge 114: Psalm 114 Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition (DRA) 114  I have loved, because the Lord will hear the voice of my prayer. 2  Becau...

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Rerun Travelogue for the Universe: Steps

Travelogue for the Universe: Steps: Steps What a funny (strange) word, Looking at it, wondering this morning what my nighttime A-Ha moments were, Writing my new post in my ...

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Fall Tweets

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Sunday 🌞


Another Sunday 
Waking me from my fitful slumber,
Pushing me into a brand new day.

Sunday looks a lot like the other Sundays
Only Different.
In a couple more Sundays 
We’re Leaving 802.

Each week a week closer
To our journey 
To the new place.

Southward bound
802 is unaffordable to us now,
Pity really, or perhaps 
A Blessing.

I favor the latter.

Saturday, September 15, 2018


I never tire of reminiscing on Great Music 🎶🎸

I ne

Breaking #Fracking Breaking #Pipelines

Just saw the images near Boston
Of “natural “ gas Pipelines ruptures
And house fires.
The Trans-Addison County Pipeline
Has safety issues not being addressed
And all I can do is tell You.
Thanks for Listening 😎

September 14
Contacts: Julie Macuga, Extreme Energy Organizer at 350Vermont,, 802-238-5777
Maeve McBride, Director of 350Vermont,, 802-999-2820
Is Vermont Gas Next in Rash of Explosions? 
Burlington, VT. “Armageddon” is how local officials in Lawrence, MA described a series of natural gas line explosions that led to roughly 60 fires and 17 natural gas leaks. According to residents, there were so many fires “you could not see the sky.” Dozens have been injured, and a teenager is dead. On September 10, a week-old  pipeline in Pennsylvania exploded destroying property, and in response, local lawmakers are calling for a halt in its ongoing construction.1
“The situation in Massachusetts is horrific,” said Maeve McBride, Director of 350Vermont, “and it’s extremely troubling in light of the fact that there are significant unresolved safety issues with the Addison County natural gas pipeline. The public is at risk because the Public Utility Commission has not completed their investigation. It’s past time to stop building fossil fuel infrastructure”
Vermont Gas is under investigation for allegedly failing to meet safety and construction requirements during the construction of the 41-mile Addison County Natural Gas Pipeline. The investigation includes inquiries into at least 8 different categories of safety violations from the depth of the pipe burial to possible missing infrastructure components.
It has been over 425 days since the Public Utility Commission called for an independent investigation into these possible safety violations, in response to citizen-led investigative work last summer. In April, the scope of the investigation was expanded to include additional safety concerns, but no further progress has been made to date. A status conference with the Public Utility Commission, Vermont Gas, and local landowners involved in the investigation is scheduled for Friday September 21. 
Julie Macuga, Extreme Energy Organize for 350VT added, “It’s taken years for the public’s concerns to be considered, even with a mountain of evidence behind them. Now we’re stuck wondering what will happen when tragedy like this strikes Vermont-- who will be held accountable?”
350Vermont is a statewide organization in Vermont working to build a grassroots movement to reverse climate change. 350Vermont’s mission is to organize, educate, and support people in Vermont to work together for climate justice – resisting fossil fuels, building momentum for alternatives, and transforming our communities toward justice and resilience. Although we are an affiliated group of with a similar mission, 350VT is an independent organization, with local campaigns to bring about solutions to climate change, advocate for a carbon pollution tax, and stop any expansion of fossil fuel infrastructure.
For more information, visit:

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Night Angel 2

Night Angel 2

Night Angel
Oh, Where are you?
The darkness came,
Where did you go?

How to coax you?
Simple Angel,
Where do you hide
When it all falls apart?

Are you there,
There in the darkness,
Even when,
I cannot see?

Do you whisper,
words of urging,
to be the best
that I can be?

What if,
My own Night Angel,
There is no sound,
I cannot hear you?
What If my ears,
no longer work?
Will you touch
my shoulder softly?
Let me know,
you are alright.

Oh Night Angel,
Hurry softly,
Hurry back,
Hurry back,

Monday, September 10, 2018

Dad’s Map

Dad made a map of Little Rock Airport when we visited long ago ❤️

Sunday, September 9, 2018

We are One

Friday, June 4, 2010

We are one

We are one

Can there be a doubt?
Can you figure out,
How there could be
A way besides

We are one?

And if there is
No start or end
When you get through it
Where did it go?

We are one

Time has no end
or beginning
An endless sphere of time
Spinning so fast

You never saw it go.
But did it?

We are one

Remember when
You hurt your friend
How it hurt?

We are one
At the end of the day,
The begining really and
End all in one.

We are one.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018



I hope you’re resting peacefully 
I’ll think about You On Your Birthday 
Yes I miss You Still

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Travelogue for the Universe: Psalm Challenge 100

Travelogue for the Universe: Psalm Challenge 100: ---Amuzgo de Guerrero (AMU)--- Amuzgo de Guerrero ---العربية (AR)--- Arabic Bible: Easy-to-Read Version Arabic Life Application B...

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Travelogue for the Universe: A Fragile Place

Travelogue for the Universe: A Fragile Place: a fragile place, seems so serene, never forgetting to change with the seasons, a beautiful place, was my appreciation learne...