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Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Monday, July 30, 2018

Rerun...Travelogue for the Universe: Atlantis

Travelogue for the Universe: Atlantis: Atlantis I can still see my mother's eyes light up at the word, Atlantis A mythical place, a mysterious story, a continent, was it mo...

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Rerun... Remembering Mom... Travelogue for the Universe: Mom is 85

Travelogue for the Universe: Mom is 85: Mom is 85 Here is a poem about Mom I wrote for her 85th birthday. Everyone said I nailed her essence. That was my intent. We had a great...

Saturday, July 28, 2018

For the Nurses #Nurse

I woke up again,
Third time’s a charm,
Coffee ☕️ pot on,
Fred dutifully fills the night before,
Knowing Mary goes better with coffee ☕️

I usually post my daily blog posts
The night before
I slipped again today,
Kept forgetting.

Coffee, then Twitterverse
A Nurse reminded me of ICU Days
I got nostalgic,
It was the Best of Jobs...
And the Worst Of Jobs...
Best of Patients, Families, Doctors,
And the Worst.

So as I lazily tweet and Fishdom level 527,
I’ll send this Combo Blogger Posting subject ICU
Out to the Nurses,
Who save lives,
Ease your pain,
Hold your hand,
And see you get safely home,
Whichever home...

ICU Experiences

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Us and Them

The New Yorker put up a “clever” piece
On people that are pro President Trump
Defining supporters as being, well
Intellectually inferior? Was that the message?
They used such big words.
2 year college degree RN
Worked 35 years all over, Hospital, homecare, Government, Nursing home, Insurance
Disabled from Multiple Sclerosis and Can’t work anymore.
I Vote.
I can.
I’m American  🇺🇸

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Sleep 😴 💤


Sleep 💤 
Changing my Routine Again,
This Time, for the Better
Of Me,
Hit 7 hours last night,
Not Fitful,
Fatigue Fromoting [sic] (I can force rhymes if I want to, this is My Blog!)

So Good 😊 Morning, Travelers,
Wherever You may Be,
I’m Here, at Home
In this Fragile Time,
We call


Saturday, July 21, 2018

A New Church ⛪ Virtual Church

Virtual Church ⛪
Is a new one to Me,
I suppose one I can say I’ve been searching for,
For a Long Time.
One Twitter Friend led to Another,
Or more likely
Until I said this week,
I am Home 😎

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Rerun 🌚 Travelogue for the Universe: Night light

Travelogue for the Universe: Night light:   Moon light through the clouds, and the planets all reflecting Sunlight. The Earth Turning always Turning and still flying t...

Routine Status meg I’m Late

I’m Late
I’m Late
For a Very Important
Russian influences
On the Brain 🧠
My Thumb Pain
Back Again,
Lonely Train,
That Dreaded Brain Pain,
Routine Interrupted.
Doesn’t Seem Like Much,
Work Through The Pain,
Spasms, Fatigue and Such.
Then Russian Influence
Like the Static in my Nerves,
Can Cause Crying 😢 panic 😱 or Shame 👎🏻
As Invisible Waves split my nerve fibers,
Making Limbs and Brain so Lame 😒
So pardon
I’m Late,
Watching Snafu’s besides Mine,
Taking my mind off my routine,
Posting just in Time 😎🌻🐝🖋☎️

Monday, July 16, 2018

Rerun Travelogue for the Universe: Whole Earth Thinking

Travelogue for the Universe: Whole Earth Thinking: Interconnectedness  Perusing my emails  on autopilot, I  happened upon the 40th anniversary of the Noetic society,  the group as...

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Travelogue for the Universe: The View Rerun

Travelogue for the Universe: The View: The View is in the news and I close my eyes hear the playground Screech! you know The kind that pierces your heart and it skips a beat...

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Rerun... Travelogue for the Universe: Bureaucratica

Travelogue for the Universe: Bureaucratica: Dedicated to fellow co-workers, the government employees who suffer working in the system we must have and yet always is a complicated quagm...

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Travelogue for the Universe: Betz Rerun for Mom’s Birthday ❤️

For the first time in a dog’s age
I didn’t have a daily post ready
It was the day before Mom’s birthday.
That was yesterday.
I miss her so...

Travelogue for the Universe: Betz: Betz Some thoughts I was marvelling at the proteins strands in my brain processing all the memories, feelings, old smells, emotions, evo...

Monday, July 9, 2018

Music Link... Amy Helm et al Cotton and Cane 🦅

Stumbling around YouTube,
Found this Great video link
With Amy Helm, et all at Fretboard Journal 📓 
Makes you think Of Levon, 
the South and Music 🎶 
as threads through the
And the 

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Rerun Travelogue for the Universe: Serfing USA

Property taxes always on my mind...

Travelogue for the Universe: Serfing USA: Serfing USA  The occupy people moved out of city hall park in Burlington, VT. It was getting cold anyway so perhaps they were secretly ha...

Friday, July 6, 2018

Friday Night Musik

A special video
From YouTube
Bonnie Raitt & Richard Thompson
Tgiff 😎

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Close Encounters

From the Twittersphere

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Rerun...for the Nuses Travelogue for the Universe: Healthcare Reform....Fact or fiction?

In solidarity with the nurses at uvm med ctr 
Who are set to strike over their contract,
I hope they at least 
Get what they need.

Travelogue for the Universe: Healthcare Reform....Fact or fiction?: Raise your hand, If you recognize this as a US doctor's examination room. FYI, None of the items in this photo Will make...

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Rerun... Travelogue for the Universe: Photos not taken

Travelogue for the Universe: Photos not taken: It really might be no big deal to someone else, but it worried me. (Isn't that the definition of a phobia?) I had to drive over the m...

Vermont historical news 
Recreational Cannabis became legal at Midnight 
Still illegal by federal law,
Medical Cannabis still needs the cumbersome paperwork 
And $50 a year
To review my Doctors’ affirmation 
I have F*ing Multiple Sclerosis,
Jump, Mary, Jump.
One ☝🏽 more hoop 😲