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Monday, October 30, 2017

Live from Space: Astronaut Photography

Interesting Link:

Live from Space: Astronaut Photography: HWHAP Episode 15: In a live recording from space, astronauts Randy 'Komrade' Bresnik, Paolo Nespoli, Joe Acaba, and Mark 'Sabot' Vande Hei talk about about photography and the view of Earth from the International Space Station.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Of Mice 🐁 For Men (&Women)

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Multiple Sclerosis Research: Today at ECTRIMS: Barts MS Google Hangout

Yesterday I attended a Google Hangout
In Paris.
It was very cool 😎 
Sharing the link
For updates on MS research by
Leading MS Doctors.

Multiple Sclerosis Research: Today at ECTRIMS: Barts MS Google Hangout: This afternoon Mouse Doctor and Neuro Doc Gnanapavan broadcast live from the MS Paris ECTRIMS ACTRIMS conference for a one hour Google Hango...

Thursday, October 26, 2017


The picture above was in July
Looks like a fall Cat Image.
The photos below were taken in a better foliage year.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Music Link for Tuesday

Stumbled onto this one yesterday 
More music from the Library 

Happy Tuesday 

And one to grow on...
My favorite 

Monday, October 23, 2017

Fall, Slightly odd, but Pleasantly So

Warmer than I can remember,

This Fall in Vermont has been Sunnier than usual.
The leaves are turning slowly, in a different sort of distribution of colors.
Fred a I set out yesterday to grab lunch and taste some peak foliage,
Well, As about as peak as the Hogback Mountains are going to get.

We Drove around the area,
Taking in the annual leaf peeping sights.
The Swamps, past peak already,
Some leaves, gone, others are green..
Beautiful all of it.
It was a fine day.

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Rerun Travelogue for the Universe: First Flower

Travelogue for the Universe: First Flower: First ever flower grown in space makes its debut! #SpaceFlower #zinnia #YearInSpace — Scott Kelly (@Stat...

Friday, October 20, 2017


Herrad Ford is summertime 
Bright and Warm,
The feeling of warm grass in the Bright friendly Sun.
You are always in love,
She waits for you.
She is always with you.
You are soulmates,
Two halves of a whole,
And One Whole 

Thought of Herrad and How I met her. My husband Fred Rotax also liked hearing Herrad’s daily news From Amsterdam. I needed an MS support group and found Herrad first in a list of MS Bloggers. Her blog, Access Denied taught me a lot about disability, debility, devotion, and resiliency.Thought of Her this morning with news from NYC a girl with cerebral palsy -Power chair user lives on 7th floor and she misses school when elevator broke down. Her Mom has carried her before! Best to you, Richard. Many people thinking of you and your beautiful wife.She is in our hearts 💕 

Friday Night Musik

At times,
YouTube seems to know
Just what I need.


Thursday, October 19, 2017

Rerun Travelogue for the Universe: Play by play

Listening to Yankees in playoffs...
Reminded me of this one ⚾️😎

Travelogue for the Universe: Play by play: Play by Play on the radio 620 wvmt Susan Waldman & John Sterling, Yankees vs. whoever.... them. Me a Cardinals real conflic...

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Rerun Week Travelogue for the Universe: Nurses

Travelogue for the Universe: Nurses: Nurses In the News, Never Good to nurses, That Press, Hungry for a slimy story, Conflict, Conspiracy, Cons, Contrary To ...

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Rerun Travelogue for the Universe: For Absent Friends

My 500th post...

Travelogue for the Universe: For Absent Friends: For Katie and Suzie and other friends we lost in the 1970 somethings. This is my 500th post, a milestone I never thought I would be at. A...

Travelogue for the Universe: Space in Between

Travelogue for the Universe: Space in Between: There Did you notice that? The Space in Between? The Pause, The Gap, the air we do not see. Will you pay attention if I ask, to the...

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Rerun Week...Travelogue for the Universe: Battle & Reflection

Travelogue for the Universe: Battle & Reflection: Battle & Reflection  tommy & me reflections  it is a strange little shadow box with a mirror back, found @ a rummage sale &...

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Rerun Week Travelogue for the Universe: The puppet master

Travelogue for the Universe: The puppet master: The puppet master, Cast adrift in a long-term care facility, Created a helper. The night nurse, Tried to explain to The head nurs...

Monday, October 9, 2017

Rerun Travelogue for the Universe: Nursing circa 1980 ish

Posting some Reruns of Nurse posts I have done...

Travelogue for the Universe: Nursing circa 1980 ish: Nursing 1980-ish I graduated from Nursing school in 1980.  Most of what I learned about nursing was learned on the job, The clas...

Friday, October 6, 2017

#fracking Gaz update and Friday Night Musik

Friday Night Musik...and a Gaz Update

First, the Trans Addison County Pipeline is still facing challenges.
One. Coming up next week.

For more:

Link to Conservation Law. project

Now for a little Musik...

Link from YouTube...
A Favorite ❤️