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Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Zentangle Lesson 1-5

Zentangle Lesson 1-5

Still stuck on Lesson 5
So much for a Zentangle a day
Lesson 6 soon.

Friday, February 24, 2017

Friday Night Musik

Friday Night Musik 

This week 
The Very Special guy,
Delbert McClinton

His new album is Great!

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Watching Tommy

Watching Tommy 

Watching 📺 
Or rather,

...He's so darn cute 😎

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Sparkling Snow, ReVisited

******such fluffy plentiful snow we've had lately Reminded me of this post...meg

Sparkling ✨ Snow ❄️ 

One of my favorites...meg

First, a little movie:

(Brrr, it's cold out there)

Sparkling Snow

Sparkling Snow

First appeared:

Monday, December 12, 2011

Sparkling Snow

Sparkling Snow
Sparkling Snow**all rights reserved

by mary gerdt

It happened today,

when I thought some great thoughts,

that peace would come


all hunger would stop

and the sick would rejoice when their pain went away

and the lonely will find a friend and the sad will smile.

It happened.

The snow sparkled like never before.

Is that a start?

Seemed like a good day to post my favorite sparkling snow poem.
We had a blustery afternoon and minor drifts
Much worse south of here.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

❤️ Day and Fake News

Happy Valentines Day

That's no fake day,
February 14th
And my chocolates already gone.

Fake News 

Is in the news,
So how can I believe,
Something I cannot see?

What if, out of terminal boredom,
I'd write a poem about both?

❤️ ♥️💙💚💛💜❤️🖤

For Some it's a day, 
Like any other.

Others buy flowers 🌺 and chocolates, 
Dine with one another.

Some recall a time so long ago,
When they're Love ❤️ Was right here,
Where did they go?

Yet others share stories,
Of lives never lived,
A Fantasy Island,
#FakeNews is it's name.

▶️ Now an old postcard for Valentines Day...
By Ellen Clapsaddle 

Monday, February 13, 2017

Snowing in Progress

Just as predicted 
These photos
Representative of how our yard looks.
The snow a fresh start.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Full Moon Rising

Fred snapped a few pictures of The Moon 🌙 rising over Camel's Hump, Vermont 
Camel 🐫 's Hump one of the most identifiable mountains of the
Green Spine Of mountains that run North and South.

The air freezing cold, below zero momentarily.

My notes: kindle fussy trying to share photos between Android  and
Google and now Apple 🍎 I want to embed my tweet
No that is not what it may sound like.

I do the best I can, every day.  Meg

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Middle Day

February gloom,

Winter's room.

Cold and gray,
Winter's day.

Sun comes out,
Shadows long,

All the way to tomorrow,
A cold hearted song.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Sunday Music Link

Sunday Music 🎶 Link

Thinking about Beth Hart...
New album out,

Here's a link to one of my favorite YouTube videos of hers...

More later...

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Travelogue for the Universe: Woodchuck Day Bizzard 2011

Rerun of 2011 post on Woodchuck Day
Aka Ground Hog Day

Travelogue for the Universe: Woodchuck Day Bizzard 2011: Well, the winter season is gearing up. As it is for a big part of the US. 8 inches of snow here this am for the prequel. 1-2 inches an hou...

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Another Time, Another Year

Been wanting to post this video again.

Fred and I went to visit family in Illinois 
We took a ride north and stumbled onto this great car salesman.
Route 66