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Sunday, December 31, 2017

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Fighting #Fracking

Our dedicated group
Fighting fracking pipeline 
Through Monkton Vermont
Is asking for help...
Please consider if you are able...
Updates too.
2017 winding down.
Thinking of the Fracking fighters tonight.

We continue this fight because we feel an obligation to protect public safety. Our small organization has subpoenaed thousands of pages from Vermont Gas about the shallow burial of the pipeline under streams and in a swamp. We have discovered that VGS altered safety specs as they went along to make it cheaper and easier.  We are poring over the documents. Our fearless lawyer, Jim Dumont, has interviewed several companies that worked on the pipeline, and yesterday he took a 4-hour deposition of the construction superintendent--hetold us the construction company had virtually no records! So now we have to go hunting for the records. Please help us pay for this very expensive undertaking!

This photo is of the pipeline under water in a swamp.

Travelogue for the Universe: Amy Helm Remember 2013...

Travelogue for the Universe: Amy Helm: Amy helm in Burlington!… — Mary Gerdt (@marygerdt) March 3, 2013   .... ain't that good news! De...

Friday, December 29, 2017

Friday Night Musik

Have a Very Special Last 
Friday Night Musik 

Thx, Beth Hart for posting this interview 
Beautiful Musik 

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Last Season

Looking for something to post,
No cold weather reminders. 
The Cold reminding us 
in these,
The Darkest Day’s of Winter.
Here was a nice one I found.
Last Season 

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Music 🎵

New Music!

Monday, December 25, 2017

Travelogue for the Universe: Psalm Challenge 85

Psalm Challenge 85

Christmas is coming, 
Daylight growing,
Gifts are flowing, 
The tree is up.

The Sun above us, 
a good provider,
shines his gifts of 
warmth and power.

In the Heavens, all around us, 
lies the home of all the Justice.
We Pray for Peace.
We ask for Mercy, 
We want Salvation, 
to rise up through our feet from the earthen ground.

Rainy days, brings flowers, food, 
We take time out to nap.
Later gather the bounty in our garden,
We know no money could ever buy.

We ache for our country,
Sometimes afflicted 
with the opposite of
truth and peace.

We pray salvation,
comes on swiftly,
slaying the greedy, evil and arrogant beasts.

how else would peace be possible except by the death of evil?
Can we pray for such a death sentence to evil?

Friday, December 22, 2017

Friday Night Musik

This week,
A song I heard a snippet of on imus show on wabc nyc Radio 📻 
I knew it had to be my weekly YouTube selection.

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Travelogue for the Universe: The Shortest Days

Travelogue for the Universe: The Shortest Days: In the Northern Hemisphere The Shortest daylight days Are upon us. It's a hard start to winter, All this darkness. The an...

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Travelogue for the Universe: Christmas Carols...

Travelogue for the Universe: Christmas Carols...: Joe and Friends sent their Christmas Greetings... Vermont so short on snow and cold, we do need music like this to get us going... Me...

Monday, December 18, 2017

Travelogue for the Universe: Chocolate fixes everything

Travelogue for the Universe: Chocolate fixes everything: Christmas 2010 and people are saying Merry Christmas again, freer and without hesitation or thought of taking it back or modifying to a hap...

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Rerun Travelogue for the Universe: Saturday Night Journal

Travelogue for the Universe: Saturday Night Journal: We went about the day as normal, Saturday chores & checking online for tributes, photos from Woodstock. It is Saturday, traditionally ...

Thursday, December 14, 2017

@Twitter Chatter

Twitter Chatter 

Yesterday I enjoyed hearing Rita Cosby interview Eric Trump on WABC 770 AM Radio 📻 NYC
I have the WABC app 📲

Then Twitter Chatter ensued,
A welcome detour on my Daily travels.

Have a listen...

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Travelogue for the Universe: Ageism

Travelogue for the Universe: Ageism: Ageism. At first glance, It really is a strange looking word. 3 vowels, breaks the normal rules of pronunciation. To say out loud, say i...

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Travelogue for the Universe: Crow Morning

Travelogue for the Universe: Crow Morning: Crows generally do not like being captured on film or otherwise. One morning I captured Pa Crow's image At the same time, Black...

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Travelogue for the Universe: Just Us

Travelogue for the Universe: Just Us: This is not to be judgemental only to explain the pain of lawyering and why I believe the justice system is flawed. I thank my forefathers t...

Thursday, December 7, 2017


I wasn’t sure these photos captured the big hawk 
Sitting patiently on a Locust tree branch
Then I looked against.
Perfectly camouflaged,
Beautiful bird

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Travelogue for the Universe: Nursing circa 1980 ish

Travelogue for the Universe: Nursing circa 1980 ish: Nursing 1980-ish I graduated from Nursing school in 1980.  Most of what I learned about nursing was learned on the job, The clas...

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

My Doctor

What a great man.
This tribute poster hangs in the clinic hallway.
I miss him greatly.
He helped us get where we are now 
His memory keeps me going.

Monday, December 4, 2017

Travelogue for the Universe: Battle & Reflection

Posting late for the second time lately.
It is a function of my Sleeping 😴 
And a Welcome break from insomnia.

Travelogue for the Universe: Battle & Reflection: Battle & Reflection  tommy & me reflections  it is a strange little shadow box with a mirror back, found @ a rummage sale &...

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Travelogue for the Universe: Ed

Travelogue for the Universe: Ed: I wrote this story for a contest and I got the rejection letter today. There were 101 entries so I am OK with that. But still, here is my st...

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Travelogue for the Universe: Karma Chameleon

Travelogue for the Universe: Karma Chameleon: Karma seems to change Colors, sometimes, Right before your eyes. Sometimes it is invisible, A silent sort of revenge, But never doubt...

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Rerun Travelogue for the Universe: Nurses

First, update about a good nurse.
Treated badly.
Then link to my old post...

Travelogue for the Universe: Nurses: Nurses In the News, Never Good to nurses, That Press, Hungry for a slimy story, Conflict, Conspiracy, Cons, Contrary To ...

Monday, November 27, 2017

Guest Tweet

From the Twittersphere,

Maria Popova @brainpicker 
Writes my favorite newsletter 
Yesterday was Charles M. Schulz’s Birthday 🎁 
Maria posted this...
Check out her Marvelous writing 
On writing ✍🏼 
While you enjoy her writing,
Make a donation for all her work

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Rerun...Travelogue for the Universe: Ageism

Travelogue for the Universe: Ageism: Ageism. At first glance, It really is a strange looking word. 3 vowels, breaks the normal rules of pronunciation. To say out loud, say i...

Friday, November 17, 2017

(I’m late!)... Friday Night Musik

Here I was,

Looking for another stellar choice,
From the YouTube melting pot,
And once again 
Beth Hart came through 

Delicious Surprise 

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Taxes...and a Couch


Cruel November,
Stripped the leaves 🍁 
Right off the Trees 🌳 

Tax Day, too,
In the Monkton Town Zoo 🦓🐆🦏🐪🐘🦍🐫🐄🐿🦃🐈🐩🕊🐇🐉🐲🐊🦑🐢🦎🐡🦖🐙
We’re beasts of burden for sure,
How much more can we endure?

This year we bought a couch,
Or sofa 🛋 if you prefer,
A Marvelous comfy place to hang,
Long overdue for sure.

We tested, and promptly paid,
A delivery date made,
Tax day it would be,
For our Couch delivery.

Property tax bill paid,
Painful checks made,
Why is so much due in the fall,
Town and Schools, benefits and all?

As I prepare to relax
On our Couch 🛋, coming at Last,
Popped the clothes in the dryer,
(Good thing I’m not a crier)
The dryer went kaput,
That’s how it goes,
Our Taxing Couch Woes...

Monday, November 13, 2017

Rerun Travelogue for the Universe: Fall winds down

Old post...

Travelogue for the Universe: Fall winds down: The Fall winds down as the leaves fall faster and faster the rain and frost help gravity take what nature made and men marvel at the ...

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Rerun Travelogue for the Universe: Fall Colors Wane

Travelogue for the Universe: Fall Colors Wane:   The sun rays are lower,  some of the leaves are gone, in the shadows, we feel the veil fall.   The fall colors wane reds...

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Rerun... Travelogue for the Universe: Fall Pics

Travelogue for the Universe: Fall Pics: Lincoln, Vermont On Top of the World More Fall Pics from the Archives. with gas @ 4-5 bucks a gal, cheaper to take a virtual tou...

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Rerun from 2009... Travelogue for the Universe: Fall Rolls In

Travelogue for the Universe: Fall Rolls In: Fall rolls in by Mary E. Gerdt 2009 all rights reserved Fall rolls in with a fury Like squalls on the oceans Or when you can't open a c...

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Rerun... Travelogue for the Universe: Dealing with Human Pain

It was a dark day...
Not unlike other dark days.

Travelogue for the Universe: Dealing with Human Pain: I promise to be not quite so dark as soon as the days get lighter. But today we waited by the phone at State government wondering where and...

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Monday, November 6, 2017

Neurological Healing

Some thoughts about
Multiple Sclerosis,
Neurological Healing,
Once only a myth, a Wish,
A Fantasy.

Friday, November 3, 2017

Friday Night Musik

Once I saw this on YouTube,

I had no doubt 
What my Friday Night Musik Choice would be...
YouTube link from Beth Hart Channel...

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Guest Posting from a Friend...Gaz Update #Fracking Trans Vermont nG Pipeline

I don't know whether you saw this vtdigger article yesterday ,  but it gives an incredibly inaccurate account of the Federal Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) evaluation of the Department of Public Service's work on regulating the safety of natural gas pipelines and LPG facilities in the State (note that this is an assessment of DPS's inspection, monitoring, and enforcement program - not of VGS).

PHMSA's letter essentially confirms what 8 Vermont grassroots organizations wrote to PHMSA over a year ago: DPS has dropped the ball on enforcing safety regulations when it identifies violations. The report essentially says that DPS doesn't carry out necessary compliance actions such as issuing letters of warning, letters requiring corrective action by operators of gas facilities in the State, and DPS doesn't enforce rules by issuing required citations (called Notices of Probable Violation) when corrective actions aren't completed in a timely fashion by companies like VGS. And, finally DS does not follow up until problems are resolved and/or fines are issued. Instead, it drops the ball.

PHMSA does give DPS credit for the $95,000 fine VGS got for the electrical safety violations, but that's something that probably wouldn't have happened without the steady pressure from the Coalition. 

The vtdigger article implies that PHMSA only identified record-keeping problems. PHMSA says nearly the opposite: the report clearly states that the problem is NOT only documentation and record keeping but also follow through and enforcement when violations are found! In fact, DPS says that ALL compliance issues were not properly followed up to resolution and that only one compliance letter was issued last year! The implication is actually that DPS is finding violations and then doing NOTHING about them!

June Tierney, Commissioner of Public Service is quoted to the effect that she is certain the pipeline is safe and that this is just a records problem. If accurately quoted, she is misleading the public by suggesting that she is sure that there isn't any real problem or danger - that the pipeline is safe; it's just the DPS has a sloppy administrator. The fact is that the coalition groups were absolutely right and have continued to do public records requests and find failures to comply with pipeline construction safety requirements and the CPG over and over. It almost feels as though every time they ask themselves an obvious question and then start looking into it, they find another scary problem. This report makes clear that DPS simply hasn't bothered to follow up on known probable violations. That leaves one to wonder whether the Coalition was right about the safety violations they brought up a year ago and again this Spring too - especially since the Public Utilities Commission is now investigating two such issues: a blasting accident and a the depth of cover over the pipeline. There are so many other issues that could be investigated but won't be because DPS hasn't and likely won't take action. Those include a trench accident that allegedly injured a worker, failure to secure areas and provide proper notice before hydrostatic tests, the release of odorant into Williston last year and ongoing odorant fade, etc.

Vermonters deserve to know that this pipeline is safe - not to be told it is when officials actually have evidence to suggest otherwise. DPS will likely never hold VGS accountable unless the public demands accountability and transparency from DPS. And, there is planning of room for that. DPS received a failing grade on the transparency of pipeline safety information on it's website with scores of zero out of three on all of the criteria related to providing safety and enforcement data to the public. It even got a zero on ease of finding the webpages dedicated to pipeline safety!

Below are:

1) links to the cover letter and report from PHMSA
2) excerpts from the cover letter
3) a marked up copy of only the Compliance Activities section of the PHMSA report
4) A note on terminology
5) a link to DPS's failing grade on the transparency of its pipeline safety website.

Links to the full assessment report and letter from PHMSA:

Excerpts from the PHMSA cover letter:

  1. The documentation, review, and follow-up on all compliance issues found during inspections of pipeline operators continue to be an issue for the VTPSD. Our evaluation revealed all compliance actions had not been followed through with and only one compliance letter had been issued to any operator in CY2016. It is imperative to ensure compliance issues are appropriately communicated to the pipeline operators promptly and tracked to resolution with all pipeline operators. Six points were deducted on the Program Evaluation for these issues.
  2. As part of its annual Program Evaluation process, PHMSA performs thorough evaluations of each State pipeline safety regulatory program. In addition to and in support of this evaluation, PHMSA and NAPSR have developed a set of performance metrics. These metrics look at State program performance in six areas:
    1. Damage Prevention Program
    2. Inspection Activity
    3. Inspector Qualification
    4. Leak Management
    5. Enforcement
    6. Incident Investigation
    These metrics are made public on PHMSA’s Stakeholder Communication website at State Programs should confirm they are reviewing these metrics on an annual basis and taking any Accelerated Actions necessary to ensure positive performance trends.
    The Enforcement metric, which was discussed previously in this letter, is the primary metrics that is needing the full attention of VTDPS. 

Marked up screenshot of the page(s) addressing DPS's compliance activities:


Just so you know, "compliance action" is the umbrella term for all of the things DPS is required to do when it finds a safety violation.
As I understand the federal guidelines issued to all States that carry out their own safety regulation, "compliance actions" can include, among other things:

1) a written inspection report and sit down with the operator to talk through the issues found; 
2) a follow up letter explaining what, if any, "corrective actions" a company has to take, including the deadline for completing the actions and informing DPS the actions are complete; 
3) a warning letter if a problem that doesn't constitute a violation but could become one is found; and/or 
4) a "Note of Probable Violation" that is a formal notice of an alleged violation and triggers a legal process, under which the operator can admit to the violation or request a hearing before the Public Utilities Commission (formerly the Public Service Board).

I should say that I'm working on a project today and don't have time to dig out my old binder with past PHMSA Vermont annual reports and guidelines to look up the actual definitions/procedures so this is taken from memory. I'm probably missing something or have given it my own spin inadvertently, but the above will hopefully give the the gist of "compliance actions" and why the vtdigger article is so misleading.

Maybe Vermont needs a scorecard showing each issue pipeline opponents have raised, DPS's dismissals of concerns, and then opponents' concerns that proved correct. I'm pretty sure pipeline opponents would be miles and miles ahead of DPS.

Link to Pipeline Safety Trust annual state and Puerto Rico pipeline safety website review:

Fall leaves 🍁

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Monday, October 30, 2017

Live from Space: Astronaut Photography

Interesting Link:

Live from Space: Astronaut Photography: HWHAP Episode 15: In a live recording from space, astronauts Randy 'Komrade' Bresnik, Paolo Nespoli, Joe Acaba, and Mark 'Sabot' Vande Hei talk about about photography and the view of Earth from the International Space Station.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Of Mice 🐁 For Men (&Women)

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Multiple Sclerosis Research: Today at ECTRIMS: Barts MS Google Hangout

Yesterday I attended a Google Hangout
In Paris.
It was very cool 😎 
Sharing the link
For updates on MS research by
Leading MS Doctors.

Multiple Sclerosis Research: Today at ECTRIMS: Barts MS Google Hangout: This afternoon Mouse Doctor and Neuro Doc Gnanapavan broadcast live from the MS Paris ECTRIMS ACTRIMS conference for a one hour Google Hango...

Thursday, October 26, 2017


The picture above was in July
Looks like a fall Cat Image.
The photos below were taken in a better foliage year.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Music Link for Tuesday

Stumbled onto this one yesterday 
More music from the Library 

Happy Tuesday 

And one to grow on...
My favorite 

Monday, October 23, 2017

Fall, Slightly odd, but Pleasantly So

Warmer than I can remember,

This Fall in Vermont has been Sunnier than usual.
The leaves are turning slowly, in a different sort of distribution of colors.
Fred a I set out yesterday to grab lunch and taste some peak foliage,
Well, As about as peak as the Hogback Mountains are going to get.

We Drove around the area,
Taking in the annual leaf peeping sights.
The Swamps, past peak already,
Some leaves, gone, others are green..
Beautiful all of it.
It was a fine day.

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Rerun Travelogue for the Universe: First Flower

Travelogue for the Universe: First Flower: First ever flower grown in space makes its debut! #SpaceFlower #zinnia #YearInSpace — Scott Kelly (@Stat...

Friday, October 20, 2017


Herrad Ford is summertime 
Bright and Warm,
The feeling of warm grass in the Bright friendly Sun.
You are always in love,
She waits for you.
She is always with you.
You are soulmates,
Two halves of a whole,
And One Whole 

Thought of Herrad and How I met her. My husband Fred Rotax also liked hearing Herrad’s daily news From Amsterdam. I needed an MS support group and found Herrad first in a list of MS Bloggers. Her blog, Access Denied taught me a lot about disability, debility, devotion, and resiliency.Thought of Her this morning with news from NYC a girl with cerebral palsy -Power chair user lives on 7th floor and she misses school when elevator broke down. Her Mom has carried her before! Best to you, Richard. Many people thinking of you and your beautiful wife.She is in our hearts 💕 

Friday Night Musik

At times,
YouTube seems to know
Just what I need.


Thursday, October 19, 2017

Rerun Travelogue for the Universe: Play by play

Listening to Yankees in playoffs...
Reminded me of this one ⚾️😎

Travelogue for the Universe: Play by play: Play by Play on the radio 620 wvmt Susan Waldman & John Sterling, Yankees vs. whoever.... them. Me a Cardinals real conflic...

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Rerun Week Travelogue for the Universe: Nurses

Travelogue for the Universe: Nurses: Nurses In the News, Never Good to nurses, That Press, Hungry for a slimy story, Conflict, Conspiracy, Cons, Contrary To ...

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Rerun Travelogue for the Universe: For Absent Friends

My 500th post...

Travelogue for the Universe: For Absent Friends: For Katie and Suzie and other friends we lost in the 1970 somethings. This is my 500th post, a milestone I never thought I would be at. A...

Travelogue for the Universe: Space in Between

Travelogue for the Universe: Space in Between: There Did you notice that? The Space in Between? The Pause, The Gap, the air we do not see. Will you pay attention if I ask, to the...

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Rerun Week...Travelogue for the Universe: Battle & Reflection

Travelogue for the Universe: Battle & Reflection: Battle & Reflection  tommy & me reflections  it is a strange little shadow box with a mirror back, found @ a rummage sale &...

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Rerun Week Travelogue for the Universe: The puppet master

Travelogue for the Universe: The puppet master: The puppet master, Cast adrift in a long-term care facility, Created a helper. The night nurse, Tried to explain to The head nurs...

Monday, October 9, 2017

Rerun Travelogue for the Universe: Nursing circa 1980 ish

Posting some Reruns of Nurse posts I have done...

Travelogue for the Universe: Nursing circa 1980 ish: Nursing 1980-ish I graduated from Nursing school in 1980.  Most of what I learned about nursing was learned on the job, The clas...